Request: Altaïr X Reader

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Requested by blackknight_1024

Image: You get hurt on a mission and Altaïr helps you recover.

I try to fight off about 20 soldiers in Jerusalem. Correction, both me and my moody partner, Altaïr try and fight of 20 soldiers. Altaïr looks at me some what agitated.

"So, you just had to leave the Beauro without me and get yourself into trouble?" Altaïr asks me. I smirk.

"Hey, that lady needed my help!" I clarify for him, "If I didn't, who knows what would have happened to her if I didn't," Altaïr rolls his eyes but I think he understood.

Altaïr, he is always saving my ass everytime I am facing impossible odds. Like this situation today. Both me and Altaïr easily kill thr soliders but then more start to come our way.

"Run," Altaïr tells me and I start running without a second thought. Altaïr soon follows me and is soon by my side.

We run in the streets, trying to at least find a hay pile or a group of scholars that we can hide in. But there weren't any. Both me and Altaïr climb up a buildingand we start running on top of the rooftops of the the buildings.

The soilders follow us and then both me and Altaïr stop running and we look at each other. Then in the corner of my eye I see a archer firing an arrow at us. Before I could do anything the arrow hits my shoulder. Altaïr tries to move me away but then another arrow hits me in the back.

I scream in pain and I fall onto the flat roof on my side. My blood seeps through my (F/C) Assassin robes. My vision then starts to blur and my breathing comes out labored.

I glance over at Altaïr and he fights of the soldiers. He has a ferrous look on his face. Well considering the fact he just witnessed his friend from childhood get shot with an arrow.

As I watch Altaïr dark spots start to cloud my vision and my eyes feel heavy. I struggle to keep them open by then I let my eyes close, letting death's embrace take me.

Three days later

I flutter my eyes open at the sound of arguing. I could hear both of Malik's and Altaïr's voices. I feel my hands on the soft fabric on the bed I lay in. I try to sit up but then I hiss in pain because of the pain in my shoulder and back.

Altaïr comes rushing to me and he hugs me and kisses the top of my head. I groan in pain because he was hugging me so tight. Altaïr releases me and he inspects my wounds that were healing nicely.

I look around to take in my surroundings. I was in the Assassin Beauro. I look back at Altaïr.

"How did I get here," I ask him, Altaïr sighs and looks at me again.

"I had to carry you after I killed all of those soliders," Altaïr tells me, "I took you back to the Beauro since it is the safest place for us. And I tended to you, redressed your wounds," I then looked down at myself and saw that I wasn't in my robes. But in a large white shirt. Did he change my clothes?

"Altaïr,..... Did you change my clothes?" I ask him. Altaïr blushed slightly, my eyes widened, "Oh my god, you did," Altaïr smirks and I try to cover myself with the blanket over me, despite the fact that I was clothed. Altaïr frowns.

"Oh, don't bother doing that (Y/N) there is nothing that I haven't seen," Altaïr chuckles out. I look up at him with my reddened face.

"ALTAÏR!" I shout at him and I punch his arm. But then I punch him with my bad arm and I groan in pain.

Altaïr stops laughing and helps me lie back down on the bed. He checks my wound on my shoulder. I watch his every move.

The hooded Assassin helps me recover from my injuries. He had his hood on and I could hardly see his features. Personally, I like him better without his hood on. He is much more handsome without the hood.

Sure I can admit he is a handsome man, but I can't think of him like that. He is my superior after all. The youngest Master Assassin in the history of the Brotherhood so far. Plus he was like the older brother that I never had.

He was always so protective of me and he was basically only kind to me. We grew up with eachother after all.

Consumed by my own thoughts I didn't realize Altaïr finished what he was doing. Altaïr looks at me and sighs.

"What am I going to do with you?" Altaïr asks me, "It seems like everytime were on a mission together, you always seem to get yourself into trouble," I smirk.

"Well maybe I like the thrill," I tell him with a cocky tone in my voice. Altaïr chuckles and he sits closer to me, our faces only merely a few inches apart.

"Or maybe you just like making my hair fall out," Altaïr barley says above a whisper.

"Oh, I live to do that, Altaïr," I say. Altaïr chuckles again. Altaïr slowly leans down and kisses my lips.

"Oh, get a room you two!" Malik yells at us. I look at Malik and smirk.

"We already have one!" I shout back at him. Malik huffs and goes back to his scrolls. And me and Altaïr continue what we were doing before we were rudly interrupted.

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