Jacob X Pregnant Reader (Modern)

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My husband, Jacob, and I walk through London. The cold winter air nips at my face and the pure white snow slightly covers the toes of my boots. The bare trees give the outside a depressing look feel to it.

My thick (F/C) winter coat keeps me warm. As well as the gloves and hat I wear.

Jacob has an arm wrapped around my waist. His thumb caresses my clothed swelling stomach. I place my hand over my stomach and I feel our baby girl kick.

In two more months she would be born. We decided to call her Lillian Victoria Frye.

"You cold, love?" Jacob asks me for the hundredth time. I understood that he was trying to take care of me but it gets on my nerves when he asks the same tedious question over and over again. But since I love him dearly I stop walking and I wrap my arms around his waist. I look up at him with a half smile on my face.

"Jacob Frye, I am complete fine," I tell him. I move my hands up his clothed chest, "More than fine actually," Jacob moves his hands up and down my waist. With a grin on his face. His hazel eyes look at me up and down.

"How is little Lillian?" Jacob asks me while placing a hand on my stomach.

"She's fine, Jacob," I tell him. He smiles and he places a kiss on my lips. Then a gust of cold wind nips at my face. May I just add a very cold gust of wind.

I take a sharp breath of air. Jacob looks at me with concern on his face. I start to shiver from the cold, "Ok-kay now I-I'm cold," I say through chattering teeth.

Jacob kisses my forehead and he wraps his arms around me. He tries to shield me from the cold air. I take in his warmth and I nuzzle my head in his chest.

Too bad we couldn't just go back to the warmth of our home since we were vistiting Jacob's sister, Evie, and her boyfriend, Henry. His sister's house wasn't too far away so we decided to walk there. Plus the trafic in London is terrible just terrible. It seems like walking is much faster than driving.

We then keep walking with Jacob shielding me from the cold air. What a gentlemen. We then finally get to Evie's house.

We walk up the steeps. Jacob then knocks on the door and he wraps his arms back around me.

"Coming!" we hear Evie say. She opens the door. She then gets a look at me, "Oh, (Y/N), my dear! You look like your freezing!" Evie says to me, "Let's get you inside," Evie pulls me inside the house. Jacob then walks inside the house and he takes off his black coat and he tosses it on the white couch.

"Oh, thank you dear sister for asking! Yes I'm perfectly fine!" Jacob says sarcastically. Evie glares at him while helping me take off my (F/C) coat.

"Jacob, are you the one pregnant?" Evie asks him with a sarcastically bitter tone to her voice, "No! I think not!" I chuckle at her Evie. I rub my hands over my arms in a attempt to warm myself up.

Jacob then sits on the couch with his arms set on the top of it. I then go sit down next to Jacob. I curl up next to him. He wraps an arm around me. I nuzzle my heab on his chest.

He kissesthe top of my head. The stubble of his beard scratches my forehead. I smile and Jacob rubs my stomach.

"(Y/N), you brought those ultrasound pictures, right?" Evie asks me. I look up at her.

"Yes, there in my bag," I start to get up but Jacob sits me back down.

"No, I got it," Jacob tells me. I sigh and I sit back down. Jacob gets uo from the couch and he grabs my bag and he hands it to me.

"Thank you," I say to him. I rumage through my bag until I found the small plastic bag with the picture of my unborn little girl. Evie sits down in the other couch that was across from the one me and Jacob were sitting in.

I hand the pictures to her. She takes a look at them and she places a hand over her heart.

"She looks like a little angel," Evie says. I smile more. Henry then walks in. Jacob see him and grins.

"Oh, hello Greenie," Jacob greets him. Henry rolls his eyes slightly. But he makes a polite smile.

"So, how are the both of you doing?" Henry asks me and Jacob.

"Were both doing great," Jacob answers. Evie then nudges Henry.

"Henry look at their darling child," Evie was already dotting on mine and Jacob's baby. Henry takes the picture and his heart melts, "Isn't she a beauty?" both me and Jacob chuckle.

"God forbid, she looks like Jacob," Evie teases her twin brother.

"Hey, don't start," Jacob warns her. Evie and Henry chuckle. I kiss Jacob's cheek.

After a few hours it was time for me and Jacob to leave and we go back to our two bedroon house.

Once we were home I took off my coat and I hung it on the coat hanger. I walk into the finished nursery.

The walls were painted a pretty lavender color. The crib was white with little puppies on the sheets on the little mattress. There were two stuffed animals ib the crib. One was a lamb and the other was Winnie the Pooh. Then above the crib was a large letter 'L' as in 'L' for Lillian. There was also a mobile above the crib.

The other side of the room was a wooden rocking chair and next to it was a shelf with two bags of dippers, a box of wipes, binkys and a some baby bottles.

I then feel arms wrapped around me. I smile and I lean in to the hug, "Anything else we need?" Jacob asks me. I shake my head.

"Not that I can think of," I tell him. Jacob nods.

"You need anything?" Jacob asks me. I smile and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Could I have a brownie sundae with extra hot fudge and whipped cream?" I ask him eith a childess tone in my voice. Jacob narrows his eyebrows.

"In this weather?!" Jacob asks me. I pout my lips and I nod my head.

"I can't help it. The baby wants it," I tell him. Jacob sighs.

"Okay, lets go to the ice cream place," Jacob says.

"Yeyyy!" I cheer. Jacob laughs and we go to the nearest ice cream place where I enjoyed my myself immensely.

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