Haytham X Reader (Part Two)

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*Looks at picture above* Is it just me, or does Haytham look sexier in a British Military uniform?

Haytham and I quickly walk into my family's large brick house. Once Haytham was through the light brown wooden door I close the door behind him. I take in a deep breath.

"Okay, my uncle and mother will be back from lunch soon," I urgently tell Haytham while walking past him, "I say we split up so we and cover more ground," Haytham nods his head in agreement.

"I will take the downstairs; you take the upstairs," Haytham tells me. I quickly walk up the stairs and I start to walk passed father's office.

I was always told to never go in there. But now, since father died, mother keeps his office locked. I always wondered what father did in there. I would sometimes eavesdrop on some meetings that he and his colleagues had in his office. But most of the time mother would catch me and scold me.

Father's office was also the place where he died. What better place to check for evidence than the crine scene itself. I just need to find the key. I quickly go into my mother's bedroom and I search for the key.

I carfully look for the key in the drawers in the dresser but it wasn't in any of them. Then I look in the drawers of mother's vanity dresser. I then find a small silver key. This could be the key to father's office, I think to myself. I then walk out of mather's room with the key in hand.

I then walk up to the locked door and I put the key into the keyhole. The key seemed to fit and I turn the key. I hear a click signaling that the door was unlocked. I turn the brass knob and the door opens. I gasp at what I see.

The room had red walls and hagging off the support beams on the ceiling were black banners with the same red cross that was on father's ring. The floor had dark colored wood. In the middle of the toom was a desk with several papers on it. There was also a empty silver cup on the desk.

I pick up the cup and I examine it. I even smell the inside of the glass. It smelled of something horrable, "....poison," I whisper. I took a closer look on his desk I move some of the papers out of the way.

A small knife layed on top if the desk and next to it was a crude scribbling of a knife of several words that were hard to make out.

I then grab a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and a piece of paper. I place the paper over the words on the desk and I smudge the charcoal over the paper and I hold the paper up.

I could make out the words now. It said, 'Robert, it was Robert whom murd...,' it looked like father was trying to finish the message but died before he could finish it. But I didn't need the full message to tell what father was trying to tell us. Uncle killed him. That was that. A tear goes down my face as I imagine the pain that father went through as the poison went through his system. I wipe the tear away and I look towards the door.

"Haytham!" I call out to him. I then hear him come up the stairs. He then looks into the offuce and I give him a sad look.

"(Y/N), did you find anything?" Haytham asks me. I nod my head and I hand him the cup.

"He was poisoned," I tell him. Haytham inspects the cup.

"Aconite, it can be hard to detect, unless you know what you are looking for," Haytham tells me. Haytham looks around father's office, "And it seems you got into his William's office," I nod my head.

"Why is there all of these red crosses around this room?" I ask him. He looks like he was about to say something but I cut him off, "And don't you dare tell that my father wad a devote Catholic because I know my father had never prayed a day in his life!" Hatham sighs.

"Oh, your mother is going to kill me herself for telling you this but...your father was part of the same secret organization that I am in," Haytham tells me, "He was a Templar, the same as your uncle and I," I look at him confused.

"What is a Templar?" I ask him.

"We seek order and peace of all things, nothing more," Haytham tells me, "I know you must have many more questions but we are running out of time. Is there anything else you found?" I nod and I hand him the paper with the smudging, "Robert, you unimaginable bastard," Haytham mumbles angrily , "He needs to pay for his crimes," Haytham was beyond pissed. I cup his cheeks in an attempt to calm him down before he does anything rash.

"Haytham....calm down...please," Haytham looks at me. He caresses my cheek. I let my hands fall onto his shoulders. I look into his grey-blue eyes as he does with my (E/C) ones.

Haytham still had a hint of anger in his eyes. I was pissed with my uncle but I kepted it inside me. I planed to let my anger out on him the next time I saw him.

I cup Haytham's cheeks again. He places his hands on my waist and he pulls me closer to him. I in and Haytham meets me in the middle and his lips connect with mine. He grips my hips harder and I moan into the sweet kiss. The kiss started to grt intense and I run my fingers through his hair that was tied into a ponytail.
Just then we heared the front door open and close. We pull away and we look towards the noise.

I walk out of the office and mother sees me. She gives a disappointed look.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), how many times do I have to tell you, stay out of that office!" Mother scolds me like a child. Then Haytham walks up next to me. Her mood then changes, "Hello Mr Kenway, what a nice surprise," Uncle smiles at Haytham.

"Haytham! What brings you here?" Uncle asks him. Haytham just stares at him coldly.

"Robert (L/N), you have commited crimes against the Templar Order," Haytham tells uncle, Uncle chuckles dryly. Mother looks at uncle with worry in her eyes.

"And what are my crimes?" Uncle asks Haytham.

"For the murder of my father!" I say before Haytham could.

"Robert...what are they talking about?" mother asks my uncle. Haytham chuckles a dry laugh.

"Oh, just the fact that he poisoned your husband!" Haytham tells my mother. She looks like she was about to break down. She then looks at my uncle.

"Is what they say true?" she asks as her voice breaks. Uncle says nothing.

"Go on. Tell her," I say to my uncle, "Tell my mother how you poisoned her husband, your brother, with Aconite. Tell her how you watched him die!" Uncle was starting to clench his fists until his knuckles turned white, "Tell her how painfully he died!" I yell at him. The tears threatened to come down but I kepted them in.

"Okay, I did it, I killed him!" Robert says out loud. Haytham then pulls out a gun from his holster.

"Then I here by sentance you to death," Haytham says darkly he then looks at me, "Take your mother upstairs," I nod and I guide my hysterically crying mother upstairs.

We go to my room and we sit on my bed. My mother clings to me as she cries on my shoulder. I hold my mother. She then looks up at me. Her eyes were puffy and red.

"How could he?" She asks me. Just then we flinch when we hear a gun shot. Mother tightens her hold on me. We then hear foot steps coming uo the stairs and Haytham comes to us.

"It is done," Haytham tells us, "Someone is already cleaning up the body," I walk up to Haytham and I hug him. He kisses the top of my head. I nuzzle my head un his chest and I finally let the sobs and the tears come out. Haytham hugs me tighter.

At least my father can rest in peace now.

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