First Kiss

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Altaïr: He came home and just kissed you without warning. He had a huge smile on his face and then he told you he got a promotion at his job. You then gave him another kiss.

Arno: You two were on yet another date and were walking along a bridge in a park. It was about 10:00 at night, and there was a full moon high in the sky. Arno then put an arm around you and he leaned in slowly and kissed you lightly on the lips. You kisses him back softly.

Connor: You and him were snuggling on his couch, watching a movie. He had an arm around you and your head was leaning on his chest. He then mumbled something incoherent to you. You looked up at him and asked about what he had said. He wouldn't tell you and you kept bothering him about it. Then he just shook his head and he just kissed you. But then it was broken by your dog jumping in your lap.

Desmond: He was in a hurry to get to work since he lost track of time. As he was leaving you quickly handed him his coat. He smiles and he kisses you quickly before leave. You were left at the door frozen.

Edward: You and him were at an amusement park, and you both went on the ferris wheel. Once the cart was at the very top, Edward looks at you. You smile up at him. He then slowly leans in and kisses your lips. But then he accidentally rocked the cart. Lets just say you nearly freaked out on him.

Ezio: You both were making some pasta sauce for the spaghetti that was in the pot. He had you taste some sauce he put on a spoon. You taste the sauce that was on the spoon. You told him it was good. Then he told you that you had a little sauce on your lip. Before you could get it off he kissed you. Then then smirked, and told you it was gone now.

Haytham: You and him were in his apartment. He put on some classical music. He asked you to dance with him. You both started to slow dance. He started to hum the tune of the song playing. He spun you around slowly. He pulled you close. You looked up at each other he slowly leans in and he captures your lips in his.

Jacob: You were reading a book while lying on the carpeted floor for some reason. What you didn't know was that Jacob came home from the gym. He saw you lying on the ground reading. He smirked to himself. He walked towards you, you still didn't notice him home. He then gets into pushup position. His face hovers over your. He then does a push up and captures your lips in his. You were surprised for a second but quickly melted in.

Shay: He was about to get on a plane to go on a business trip. You didn't want him to go. I mean who actually wants not having their boyfriend around. You told him you would miss him. He smiled and gave you a long deep kiss. You were even more reluctant to let him leave.

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