Request: Ezio X Reader

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Requested by RougeKenway2003.

Warning: Smut

I gasp as my back is pushed up against a brick wall. My wrists are lifted over my head as he presses his body up against mine. He kisses my lips and I moan slightly.

I could hear the fireworks going off during the annually Carnevale. I smile up at my lover.

"I'm so glad you made it," I tell him. Ezio smirks and removes his mask.

"I wouldn't want to desiponit you bella donna (pretty woman)," Ezio tells me. I giggle and he releases my wrists. I grab onto the collar of his robes and I pull him in for another kiss. I press my back as close as humanly possable to the wall.

Ezio presses the palms of his hands to the wall on either side of my head. I cup his cheeks to deepen the kiss.

Ezio licks my bottom lip, asking for entrace. I let him in and we battle for dominance. Ezio bucks his hips onto mine as if testing the waters.

I place my hands on his chest and I caress his cheek, "Not here," I tell him as I notice a few people walking past us. Ezio smirks and he kisses my lips.

"Where do you suppose we go?" Ezio asks me. His voice was low and husky. I think for a moment.

Well, my family would be enjoying the Carnevale festivities for about three more hours. That should give us plenty of time.

I wrap my arms around Ezio's neck and I smirk, "How about you come home with me?" Ezio smirks and he grips my hips tighter, "My family will be enjoying Carnevale," Ezio smirks and he takes a step away from me.

"Lead the way," Ezio tells me. I giggle and I take his hand and I lead him to my family's villa. I open the front door and I close it behind us. I lead him through the dark home to my room. I open my bedroom door and I let him in. I close the door behind me and I take off my mask and I set it on a table. I turn around to face Ezio. Ezio looks up and down at me.

"Come here," Ezio tells me while chuckling slightly. I roll my eyes slightly and I walk up to him.

"Oh Ezio," I say. Ezio puts his hands on my hips. He kisses me and he slips off my (F/C) dress. I wrap my arms around his neck. We fall onto my bed and I land ontop of him.

I wrap my legs around his waist and he sits up and he kisses my lips. I cup his cheeks and I kiss him back.

I grind my hips on his clothed crotch. Ezio moans slightly and I start to remove his robes that covered his chest.

Once his upper robes were off I kiss his neck and he moans some more. Ezio places his hands on my hips. Ezio then kisses my neck. He finds my sweetspot and he sucks and nips at the skin.

I moan and I start to remove his pants. I remove them and he rolls me over so that I was laying down on the bed. Ezio kisses down my chest and he sucks on one of my breasts. I moan and he takes off my underware.

Ezio the sits up and he takes off his own. Ezio climbs back onto the bed. Ezio pulls my knees apart.

I bite my lip and brace myself for what was about to come. Ezio them enters me slowly until he was all the way in. I moan loudly and I dig my fingers into his biceps.

Ezio starts to move in a steady pace. I moan more and more. I buck my hips forward.

"Ezio..." I moan out his name, "Faster," Ezio kisses my lips and he starts to thrust faster and harder. I moan louder and I dig my fingers into his dark brown hair.

"(Y/N)..." Ezio moans out my name. I start to feel the knot in my stomach start to come undone. I wrap my legs around his waist. I try to hold in my release. But within a few more thrust I release. Ezio soon starts to feel his release coming and he pulls out just before he does.

Ezio rolls over and he pulls me into his warm embrace and we soon fall asleep like that.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I hear someone calling me from my dreams, "Svegliati (Wake up)!," I hear my father calling for me, "Your tutor will be here soon," I slowly start to wake up. I then hear a knock outside my door. I quickly open my eyes. I see Ezio starting to wake up. I shake him and he wakes up fully. My bedroom door then opens.

"Come my it really that bad....," he then sees me and Ezio in bed together, "Figlio di puttana! (Son of a bitch!) what is this?!" My father yells.

"Merda," Ezio swears slightly. He then quickly gets out of bed and he crudly gets redressed, "Perdonatemi, signore, chiedo scusa (Forgive me, sir, I beg your pardon!)," Ezio then jumps out of my window. My mouth hangs open as my father runs towards the window.

"I'll kill you!" father yells at Ezio.

"Now, now, that's not necessary...," Ezio tells my father. But he calls the guards out on Ezio.

My father steps away from the window. He gives me a very angry and disappointed look.

"Get dressed, I want to have a word with you," father says and he walks out of my room. I sigh and I get dressed and I listen to one of his lectures.

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