Ezio X Reader (Modern)

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Ezio Auditore, the player in my school. The guy who has dated just about every girl in our senior class. But the only one he hasn't dated was me.

Nerdy little old me. The girl that doesn't stand out. Me with my (F/C) glasses, put down (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes. Me who loves to read, where as everybody else would rather talk during class.

God I swear everyone in my senior class are morons. I am basically the only one who pays any attention in class. I mean all they do is talk, pass notes, throw paper airplanes. At least Ezio somewhat pays attention in class, he at least he doesn't throw paper airplanes.

Sure Ezio is the hottest guy in my school. He has the sexy Italian accent, and let's not forget his irresistible charm and those brown eyes. But I would never date him, even if we were the last two people on Earth. Actually that was a big fat lie, I have a small crush on him. But he considers me a friend, and I am happy about that.

I sit in class reading my favorite book (F/B), before class even started. Then all of a sudden I feel the book being pulled away from me. I look up and I see Ezio with my book in his hands.

"Ciao bella (hello beautiful)," Ezio says while smirking. I roll my eyes.

"Haha, very funny," I say not amused.

"What?!" Ezio exclaims, "it's true, you are beautiful," I shake my head.

"You think every girl is beautiful," I say. Ezio places his hand on his chest, and makes a fake hurt expression on his face.

"I am truly hurt, I am not just some gigolo," Ezio says hurt. I nod my head head while grinning.

"Uh, huh let's name off all the girls you dated shall we," I say and I start naming off some. Ezio shakes when we got to the fifteenth name.

"Okay, okay I get it," Ezio says. He hands me back my book. I laugh a little. Then the bell rings, Ezio sits in the seat next to mine, "ready for another day in Hell?"

"Hell yes!" I exclaim. Ezio chuckles. Then our teacher walks in the room. The class goes on as normal, and then class gets out. I grab my bag and my book and I walk out of class. I go to my locker and I put in the combination and I open my locker.

I put my books in my locker. Then I feel someone poke my sides. I jump and I shriek. I turn around and I see Ezio laughing. I frown at him, and punch his chest.

"Ow!" Ezio says while he is still laughing, "abusive, I may just have to file a report against you," I laugh.

"Oh, really?" I say while laughing. He nods. He puts an arm around me. I look up at him, and I raise an eyebrow. Why did he put his arm around me? People look at us strangely, "uh, Ezio what are you doing?" He looks down at me.

"Nothing," he says. I shake my head.

"Uh, you have your arm around me," I say. He looks at me and he shrugs. He arm leaves my body. Then he stops in front of me. I raise an eyebrow at him. What's with him today? Then he leans down and he kisses my cheek, then he pecks my lips.

I stand there frozen, not sure what to do. Should I shove him away, slap him, or yell at him. But my brain feels like it shut off for a moment. I look at him with my widened (E/C) eyes. Ezio tucks a strand of my (H/C) behind my hair. Then he walks to his next class.

What the hell just happened?!

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