Connor X Reader (Modern)

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I sit in the car with my parents. My ear buds are in my ears and my phone plays my favorite song (F/S). I mouth the words. I look down at my phone and I see a picture of me and my boyfriend, Connor.

My parents are making me move to a different town, away from Connor. I think the reason why we are moving is just because of my relationship with Connor. Let's just say my parents are very strict. New school, people who wouldn't understand me, great.

I sigh, and I feel my little Calico kitten paw at me. She makes this cute little meow. I weakly smile and I scratch behind her ear and she purrs.

But then it decides she wants to play, and the kitten grabs my finger with her paw and starts gnawing on my finger slightly. It hurts slightly. I pull my finger away

"That hurts," I say playfully to my kitten. She meows again, she climbs onto my lap and lies down and sleeps. I smile and I look back at my phone and I scroll through my pictures of me and my friends.

But then I stop at a picture of me and Connor. I look it sadly. That day he took me to the fair, and we shared a kiss on the Farris Wheel. That was our first kiss.

I scroll down and I find a picture of me and Connor smiling. It was a rare occasion to see Connor smile. I love the way he smiles.

I feel a few tears come down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away.

I look down at my kitten. She was given to me by Connor. He had a cat that had kittens, and he gave this one to me on my birthday. He knew I liked cats, and I loved little (kitten name) ever since.

Thank goodness my parents let me keep (kitten name), they also liked cats.

I then see the house come into view, it was a big white house in the countryside. It looked very peaceful, but yet I get a weird feeling from it.

Why? The house looks like the house from The Conjuring! Once dad stops the car stops in the driveway, mom and dad get out. I hold onto my kitten and I get out of the car.

I remember that I promised to text Connor once I arrived at the new house. I grab my phone and I start texting him.

(Y/N): Hey just arrived at the new house

Connor: That's good

(Y/N): yeah creepy as hell though

Connor: how so?

(Y/N): remember The Conjuring! Yeah the house looks just like the one from the house on the movie!

Connor: Yeesh, have fun!

(Y/N): haha very funny

Connor: where exactly is the house?

(Y/N): (random address) why?

Connor: so I can visit u anytime

(Y/N): ur so sweet Connor
Love you

Connor: love you too

My mom calls me to get my stuff.

(Y/N): sorry Connor I can't talk anymore, Mummy dearest is calling for me

Connor: haha ok bye

(Y/N): bye

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