Desmond X Reader

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I run through the streets of New York, trying to get away from these men who were chasing me. My (F/C) hoodie covers my features, like my (H/C) hair and my (E/C) eyes.

Lets recap, shall we?

I was being chased because me and Desmond broke into a Templar embassy in New York. We stole some Templar intelligence, and the alarms went off. Then me and Desmond took of running. We run as fast as we can and then we herd shouting, and gun shots.

Desmond runs faster, I try to keep up with him, but after a while I lost him. A lot of the Templar's follow me.

Well that's how I got Templar's all over my ass.

Then I hear my ear piece ring. I press the button on it.

"Hello, (Y/N)," I hear Shaun say. I laugh.

"Oh Shaun, now is not a good time," I say urgently. I keep panting.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" Shaun says a little worried.

"Oh you know the usual, painting my nails, braiding my hair, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?" I yell, "I am running from the Templars,"

"Wait, is Desmond with you?" Shaun asks. I nervously laugh.

"Well, we sort of got separated," I say.

"I'll get Desmond on the line," Shaun says. Within moments I hear Desmond's voice.

"(Y/N), where the hell are you?" Desmond asks me urgently. I scoff.

"In the North Pole, in Santa's Workshop!" I say a little too harshly, "I don't know where I am, I think I'm in a ally way,"

"Well that's helpful," Desmond says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. Then I reach a dead end, with no escape in sight.

"Uh, guys I reached a dead end, what do I do?" I ask panicked. Desmond breaths a sigh of relief.

"(Y/N), I think I found you," Desmond says. I look and I see a figure on top of a building. Desmond comes down building. Then about 15 Templar's surround us. Desmond looks down at me and he grins, I smirk. I grab a smoke bomb and I throw it on the ground.

We quickly scale the wall and we across the buildings. Once we think it is safe we stop running and we catch our breath.

"Well that was fun," Desmond says. I laugh a little. I look at him, his brown eyes stair down at me.

When we first met, I had a little crush on him but, as I got to know him, I liked him more and more.

"Yeah it was," I say. Surprisingly Desmond hugs me.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone," Desmond mumbles. I touch his cheek.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, I mean come on when you hear gunshots your going to run faster than a race horse," I say and Desmond laughs.

Desmond caresses my face, and then he leans down and kisses me, at first I stand frozen, but then I kiss him back.

"Uhhhh, (Y/N), Desmond, I am still here," I hear Shaun through my ear piece. I giggle.

"Well then disconnect," Desmond says. Shaun sighs and disconnects. Me and Desmond continue our kiss. I break away from the kiss and I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. I smile.

"We should get back to the hideout," I say and Desmond nods. Desmond holds my hand and we head back to the hideout.

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