Valentine's Special! Connor (Modern)

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Image: It's Connor's birthday

Warning: Smut 17+

"Evie, Élise, what should I get Connor for his birthday?" I ask my two closest friends. They both raise an eyebrow at me.

"You mean you haven't gotten him anything yet?!" Élise nearly yells. Evie motions her to keep her voice down because we are in a shopping mall full of people. I shake my head.

"I know, I am a terrible girlfriend," I look at both of them, "He says he doesn't want anything. But I want to give him something speical," I tell them both. Connor doesn't want me to make a big deal about his birthday. He says that all he wants is to snuggle up on the couch with me and watch a movie. But I just can't let him celibrate his birthday without a present when he has given me presents on my birthdays, "You both have boyfriends, what do you give them on their birthdays?"

Evie blushes and puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. Élise stiffens up a bit. They're both were acting strange. I mean it was just a simple question! What do they give their boyfriends on their birthdays?!

"Umm, w-well, I-I gave Henry for his b-birthday well uhg! I'm to embrased to say!" Evie tries to hide her blush. Élise wraps her atm around my shoulder.

"Come, we will show you were we got our boyfriends' birthday present," Élise drags me to a store called Victoria's Secret. Why are we in a bra and panty store? I thought to myself.

Evie follows us in and Élise stops at a booth with lingerie on it. I raise an eyebrow at them, "You got Arno and Henry lingerie?" I ask them. Both Evie and Élise face palm themselves.

"No," Evie says and Élise puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, (Y/N), we love you but you are too innocent for you're own good," Élise tells me. I roll my eyes at her comment.

"The lingerie isn't his present," Evie tells me, "Him seeing you in then only is his present," my (E/C) eyes go wide.

"Y-You m-mean know?" I ask. They nod their heads. I blush bright red. Me and Connor haven't done that yet.

"Bingo," Élise says with a slight chuckle, "But just in case, buy him an accual present," then it came to me.

"I could get him a new hunting bow," I say. Evie and Élise nod their heads. I ended up buying a (F/C) lace bra and panties.

Evie, Élise and I went to the hunting store and I picked out a black compound bow for Connor and some new arrows for it.

We excited the mall and Élise drove me home since we took her car. I walk into mine and Connor home. I put my keys on the table and I take his present and I hide it the upstairs closet that is used as a guest bedroom.

Two days later

Today is Connor's birthday and he had to work sadly. Well, he didn't actually have to go to work, he wasn't suposed to in fact. I asked his boss to call him into work so I could get everything ready when Connor returned.

I spent my day decorating the house and I made him a chocolate cake with a espresso mousse filling with chocolate frosting on top. The top of the cake had 'Happy 23rd Birthday Connor' in cursive. Thank God for my three years of working at a bakery! The cake was round and I set it on the counter.

I look at the clock and it read 6:48 pm. Shit! Connor will be back in about six minutes! I quickly go and get into mine and Connor's bedroom and I take off my clothes from the day and I put on the lace underware and bra. I look at myself in the mirror and I clover my half-naked body with a robe. I tie the robe and I walk into the kitchen.

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