Desmond X Reader

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Shaun, Rebecca, and Lucy go out to get more supplies, leaving me and Desmond in the underground passage way that Ezio used to help people escape when the Templar's attacked the villa.

We sit around board, not sure what to do. I yawn, Desmond at the Animus and then at me.

"Have you ever been in the Animus?" Desmond asks me. I shake my head.

"No, but I always wondered who my ancestors were," I say. Desmond smirks.

"Then let's find out!" Desmond says. He gets up from his chair and he comes up to me and he grabs my arm and he drags me to the Animus.

"Desmond, it's not worth it! Knowing me, my ancestors lives were probably very boring," I say sadly. Desmond frowns at me.

"We won't know until you see for yourself," Desmond says. I weakly smile and I lay down on the Animus. Desmond sits in the the chair next to the Animus and he looks at the computer. He hooks me up and my vision darkens.

Madrid, Spain

I stand on the rooftop to the Maradona villa. The Maradona villa houses my target, Diego Maradona. The Templar who is responsible for the death of my brother, Miguel.

My (F/C) assassin robes cling to my body. I hear foot step behind me, I turn around and I see my friend (F/N) standing behind me. He/She looks and me and he/she shakes their head.

"So Isabella, are you going to let your own personal feelings against him compromise this mission?" (F/N) asks me. I roll my eyes.

"No, that would be compromising the Brotherhood," I calmly say, "he would just be like any other Templar that I killed," (F/N) nods his/her head.

"Well I better hope so, don't let your anger consume you," (F/N) says. I give him/her a weak smile.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I reassure him/her. (F/N smiles and he/she gets off the roof. I look back at the villa and I see Diego Maradona walking inside the villa. I smile, "Oh Mr. Maradona, you will regret the day when you murdered my innocent little brother,"

I do a leap of faith into a bale of hay and I exit the hay bale. I climb up the walls of the villa, and I climb through a window. I sneak through the villa without getting noticed. I see Diego Maradona go into his study and he locks it.

I smile, I go to the study and I lockpick the door. I open the door, I go up behind Maradona and I assassinate him with my hidden blade. I lay him down carefully on the ground. He does before I could get any information out of him.

I quickly get out of the villa and I head back to the Assassin Bureau.

Present Day

I wake up from the Animus shocked, one of my ancestors was an assassin. Desmond looks at me.

"Well your ancestor wasn't as boring as you thought, huh," Desmond says. I laugh a little.

"I guess not,"

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