Request: Assassin Shay X Assassin Reader

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Requested by bannana10.

Image: You and Shay are married and you both go on a mission to kill a Templar at a ball. You and him dress in fancy clothes and then he starts to flirt with you during the mission. Then after the mission, when you both are at a hotel, he starts to flirt with you again.

Both me and my husband, Shay, are sent to Boston to assassinate a Templar by the name of Robert Croven. Achilles got information that Mr Croven will be attending a ball in honor of a rich man's daughter. Achilles said that it was the perfect time to strike.

Achilles even got us invitations to the ball, which is a good and a bad thing. Good because both me and Shay can get in without being noticed. Bad because we have to look the part of a rich person. So that means I have to ware a heavy ball gown and Shay has to wear one of those ridicules suites.

Achilles also took the liberty to pick our names. Shay is William Harris and I'm Elizabeth Harris. Also I had to wear a (F/C) ball gown that felt snug around my waist and chest and to top it off, uncomfortable high heeled shoes.

Shay had to wear a black coat, a baige waist coat, a ruffled white shirt, black trousers, black boots, and a ruffled white collar.

Both me and Shay sit in a carriage. I look down at my dress and I frown. God, oh how I hated these infernal contraptions. Shay looks at me and sighs he quickly comes and sits next to me in the carriage while it was still moving.

"I think you look beautiful in a dress," Shay tells me. His hands move up and down my arms. He kisses my jawline. I smile and I peck his lips.

"We need to focus on the mission, Shay," I tell him. Shay smirks.

"Of course," He says and then he mumbles something that I couldn't hear.

"What was that?" I ask him. Shay then looks at me and shakes his head.

"Nothing, love," Shay tells me. Yeah right. Then the carriage stops and Shay opens the carriage door before the driver could open it. Shay holds out for me to take. Shay smirks at me and I take his hand and he helps me out of the carriage.

"Thank you, Mr Harris," I tease him. Shay chuckles.

"Your ever so welcome, Mrs Harris," Shay says. Shay links his arm with mine. We see a man at the gate to the manor taking invitations. Shay hands the man the invitations. The man lookes at them.

"Enjoy the ball, Mr and Mrs Harris," The man tells us. Both me and Shay smile at the man and we enter the ball room.

I stair at the scenery in awe. There was a cyristile chandelier on the ceiling. My heels made a clicking sound againt the marble floor. The walls were white with sliver candle holders on the walls.

I then look around in search for Mr Croven. I could hear some musicians playing their music. I tried to use my Eagle Vision but I still couldn't find him. I sigh.

"Where is that Templar dog?" I ask to myself. Shay then leans his head and whipers in my ear.

"Well, If we can't find him, then I can think of so many other things we could be doing," Shay whispers seductively to me. I gulp and I could feel my face turn bright red. His hands grip my waist. I wiggle away from him.

"Not now, Shay," I whisper to him. But then I smirk, "But if you help me find our target, there could be some sort of reward," Shay smirks and steps closer to me.

"Ohh, what kind of reward?" He asks me. I peck his lips.

"You will just have to wait and see," I tell him. Shay smirks again. Me and Shay move through the crowds of people. Shay taps my shoulder. I look up at him.

"I found him," Shay tells me ad he points to a Templar with greying red hair talking to a young woman. The woman walks away from him.

"You have your knife, right?" Shay asks me. I nod my head and i lift up my dress just high enough so Shay can see the knife strapped to the lower part of my leg. I let go of my dress.

"And you have your hidden blade, right?" I ask him. Shay nods and we make our way to Mr Croven. Both me and Shay make friendly smiles.

"Ah, Mr Croven, am I correct?" Shay greets Mr Croven. He nods, "It's a pleasure to meet you I'm William Harris and this is my wife Elizabeth Harris," Shay introduces his fake name and mine.

Mr Croven smilesbat me and he kisses my hand. I make a fake smile. I look up at Shay, he didn't look to happy that Mr Croven kissed my hand. But he didn't let himself show it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Mr Croven says, "if you don't mind me asking, how long have you both been married?"

"Two years now," Shay tells him. The best two years of our lives, if I do say so myself.

"Any children?" Mr Croven asks us. I look down. Me and Shay don't have a child, we just never thought about it.

"We can't have any," I say to him. Mr Croven cocks his head.

"And why not?" wow this man asks to many questions.

"Because.....well," I start to say trying to think up a lie, "I'm barren," I lie. It was the best excuse I could think of.

"I'm deeply sorry to hear that," Mr Croven tells me, "But there is one thing you both should know about me," Croven says, "I know when people are lying to me,"

Shay looks down at me and I nod at him and both me and Shay kill Mr Croven and I sit him down gently on a chair. He just looked like he was passed out drunk. Then both me and Shay walk out of the ballroom calmly before anyone realizes Mr Croven was dead.

Both me and Shay enter our carrige and we go into a hotel that we checked into. We enter our room and as soon as I shut the door Shay grips my waist.

"And about my reward?" Shay reminds me. But I was so tired. I sigh.

"But, I'm tired, Shay," I tell him. Shay kisses the top of my head.

"I can make that go away," Shay kisses my lips again and he leads me to our bed and lets just say that it was an.....eventful night.

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