Request: Federico X British Noble Reader

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This one was requested by BelleLaAurore

I sit board in the the carriage on my way to Auditore Villa here in Italy. I sit in the carriage with my mother, father, and my little brother William. After about three months at sea, we arrive in Italy all the way from England. I have never been to Italy in my life, and it is very foreign to me. My family has had the class of nobility for four generations now.

"(Y/N), I spy with my little eyes something green!" William tells me with glee.

"The grass," I say without looking out the window. William smiles and laughs. William is five years old.

"You got it right again!" He laughs. I smile at him. I twirl a strand of my (H/C) around my finger. I look at father.

"Father, why are we here in Italy?" I ask him. Father shrugs and he smiles.

"Well I'm visiting a old friend," Father says, "and you may not know this but in my younger days I was quite the traveler,"

"And who is this friend whom you never brought up once?" I ask him.

"Giovanni Auditore de Firenze," Father says with perfect pronunciation. I shrug, "well it shouldn't be too long until we reach Florence," Father looks at me and he smiles, "you know Giovanni has two boys who might interest you," I scoff.

"If none of the eligible men in England don't interest me, I seriously doubt that those two will," I tell him. Mother looks at me, and she places her hand on my cheek.

"Well you better get find a man soon, because that pretty face won't last forever," Mother tells me. I sigh and I roll my eyes. Mother has been telling me that since I was 14. Me at the age of 16.

"I know Mother," I tell her, "you remind me everyday," I mumble the last part. William pulls on my (F/C) dress.

"(Y/N) look!" William exclaims, and he points to something. I see the streets of a city come into view. Father looks out of his window.

"Well it looks like we have finally arrived in Florence," Father says. I look out my window, and Florence is so gorgeous. My (E/C) scan the new surroundings.

After about ten minutes the carriage stops at the villa. I look over at my brother's side of the carriage an I look out that window. I see a family of six. A husband and wife and their children, three boys and one girl.

The carriage driver opens up the carriage door. My parents are the first to get out. Then me and William get out. I let William get out first and then I get out. When I get out William hides behind me, and he grabs a hold of my dress. I look behind me and he looks up at me with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid," I tell him. I hold out my hand to him. He puts his small hand in my hand and he stands beside me. Father and and a man who I assume is Giovanni walk up to each other. They shake hands and they hug death other.

"Its good to see you, Joseph," Giovanni says. My father smiles.

"Its good to see you too, Giovanni," Father says. Father looks at us, he gestures to Mother, "this is my wife, Elizabeth," then he gestures to both me and William, "and this is my son William and my daughter (Y/N)," Giovanni gestures to his family.

"This is my wife, Maria," Giovanni gestures to his wife, then to his daughter, "my daughter, Claudia," then to his three sons, "my youngest son, Petruccio, my second son, Ezio, and my eldest, Federico," I look at his older sons, and they were both very handsome. But the one that caught my eye was Federico.

He had shorter hair than Ezio, but it was still kind of long. Federico had dark brown hair, brown eyes. I quickly look down before he could catch me starring. Father and Giovanni start to walk off somewhere. William yawns, Mother looks at William.

"Oh William, I think it is time for your nap," Mother says. William rubs his eyes and he nods. Mother picks up William. Maria comes up to Mother.

"I'll show you to a room he can sleep in," she says. Mother smiles.

"Thank you," Mother says. Maria looks at Petruccio.

"And I think it is time you return to your own bed," Maria tells Petruccio. He nods and he heads off to his room.

Claudia runs up to me and she hugs me. She lets go of me, she smiles.

"Welcome to Italy!" She exclaims, I smile.

"Thank you," I say. Then Claudia turns to her brothers.

"Federico, Ezio, come meet (Y/N)!" She shouts to them. They look at each other and they come up to us. Ezio takes my hand and he kisses it.

"Ciao bella (Hello beautiful)," Ezio greets me, I blush.

"If my brother makes you uncomfortable I can can take him from you," Federico jokes. Ezio glares at him.

"Hahaha," Ezio laughs sarcastically.

"Federico," Federico says his name. He holds out his hand, I reach out to shake it. But instead he kisses it. I blush a light shade of red. I take a deep breath to try to get rid of the blush. Claudia smiles.

"Maybe Federico would be kind enough to show you around the villa," Claudia says, Federico shrugs and he nods.

"Come," Federico tells me. I follow him into the house. He shows me around the house. Like where all of the rooms are, the washroom, kitchen, the garden, and other places at the villa.

"And this will be your room," Federico says, "my room is about four rooms down if you ever need anything don't hesitate to knock," I smile at him.

Federico leaves me at my new room. I open the door and I see a rather large bed with (F/C) sheets, a wardrobe, and all of my luggage.

I flop down on the bed. Well this is my home for the next four months.

One Month Later

Me, Claudia, Ezio and Federico play a game of tag. Me, Ezio and Claudia have became very good friend, and me and Federico have became close. Federico was it and he already got Ezio and Claudia out.

But I continue to run like my life depended on it. I run past Mother. But she grabs my arm to stop me.

"Honey I need to........" Mother starts to say.

"Sorry Mother not now!" I tell her as politely as I can and I run away from her. I start to run down a hill but I feel someone tackle me to the ground and we both start to roll down the hill.

Once we were at the bottom, I look up and I see Federico on top of me. We start to laugh.

"I guess your not as quick as you thought," Federico laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Well if my mother didn't stop me, then maybe I would have gotten away," I smirk. Federico's brown eyes look into my (E/C) eyes. I slowly reach my hand up to caress his cheek. He leans his head down slowly and he gently kisses my lips. It was slow but passionate.

"I thought you said that no boys interest you!" I hear William shout to me. I break away from Federico.

"William!" I shout back at him. William giggles and he runs away.

"Now where were we?" Federico says while smirking. He leans back down to kiss me again. Well the next three months will be very interesting.

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