Ezio X Masked Reader

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I walk through the streets of Florence, looking at the fire works that blast colorful blasts in the sky. I look at all the in the streets, wearing their nice clothes and masks for carnival tonight.

I wear a (F/C) dress, a black mask, and my (H/C) hair is tied into a loose bun. We wear the masks to hide our identity from others. Tonight I snuck out of my parents villa to go to the carnival. After they told me that I couldn't go.

My (E/C) eyes scan the area, to see if I recognize anyone that I knew. But sadly I can't tell who is who, because of the masks. I see people dancing, laughing, and drinking.

I look around some more and I see a man in a white and red outfit, with a white cape draped over one of his shoulders and black boots. He has brown hair that is tied into a short pony tail. He turns his head and I can see that he is wearing a white mask. Despite the mask, I can see that he is handsome.

I look away from him before he catches me starring at him. But then I look up and he is walking in my direction. I walk away before he could catch me starring at him again.

But then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I see the man with the white mask again.

"Ciao, would you like to dance?" He says. I grin.

"I don't even know your name, signore," I smirk. He grins.

"Forgive me, Ezio Auditore," he bows, and he hands me a rose, "and you are?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)," I say. I push a strand of my hair behind my ear, and I take the rose. I look up at him and I could see his brown eyes through the mask. His eyes look into my (E/C) eyes.

Ezio holds out his hand, I take his hand and he slips his arm around my waist. I put a arm around his neck, and we start dancing. Musicians play their music, their beautiful joyful music.

I look up at Ezio and smile. I see a scar on his lip that I just noticed. I look at him.

"How did you get that scar on your lip?" I ask him. Ezio look at me.

"Ohhh, um, from a fight a while ago," he says. I nod, and the Ezio stops dancing. He looks down at me. Ezio takes his hand and he removes my mask. Reveling my facial features. I take his mask and I remove his. He is even more handsome without the mask.

Ezio caresses my cheek and he leans down and he kisses me. Both my arms wrap around his neck. His hands grip my waist. We brake away at the sound of the guards calling my name.

" Perdere (Miss) (L/N)!" The guards yell at me. Ezio take my hand and we run away from the guards. We run through the crowd of people in front of us. We go through ally ways, trying to loose them.

Once we finally lost them, I lean on a wall trying to catch my breath. Ezio looks at me.

"Why we're those guards chasing you?" He asks me. I look at him and laugh a little.

"Well I kind of went against my parents wishes and went to the carnival, when they told me not to go," I explain, "they must have found out that I left, and they sent the guards after me,"

Ezio comes up to me, he cups my face, and he kisses me gently on the lips. My hands cup his face, and he pushes me to a wall. I giggle a little, the stubble of his barely showing beard scratches my cheek a little.

A moan comes up through the back of my throat. His lips were soft against mine. His hands felt rough against my cheeks. But I had to break away before anything else happened. I place a hand on his chest.

Ezio looks at me understanding, one of hands hold mine, and our fingers intertwine. He kisses me on the forehead and we enjoy the rest of the carnival.

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