Arno X Reader

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I wondering through the busy streets of Paris, France. I walk with my mother whom tried her best to raise me on her own, after my father died. As I look around I see some flowers that he and mama always grew, pretty white lillies. I nudge my mother.

"Mama, can I buy some flowers for father?" I ask her. She smiles and she gives me some money. I buy the lillies and I walk to the graveyard where father is buried.

My father died when I was 13 years old. It has been 7 years since he died.

Once I enter the graveyard, my (E/C) eyes scan the names on the gravestones, until I find father's. I sit in front of the grave and I place the flowers down. I smile a little.

" Bonjour, papa," I say like I am talking to him, "I know it's been a while since the last time I made a visit, I brought you your favorite flowers. You know ever since you passed mama has been trying her best to keep food on the table for us, and I was thinking of getting a job to help, but every time I find an employer they just laugh in my face," a few tears start to fall down my cheeks. "I don't know what to do, if I leave it would break mamas heart, but I worry if she will force me to marry someone," the tears pour down my cheeks, I try to get rid of the tears but more keep falling down. I grab a hold of my (H/C) hair.

I burey my face in my hands. But then I hear some leaves crunch. I look behind me and I see a man in blue robes in front of a grave. The man looks at me and I quickly turn around and face father's grave stone. I get up.

"I love you and I miss you, papa, I will come and visit again soon," I say, and then I kiss my hand and I place my hand on the gravestone. I walk away from father's grave and I walk past the man sitting beside the gravestone. He leaves flowers on it and he gets up. He starts to walk and then he bumps into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mademoiselle," he says. I smile a little.

"It's fine," I say. I look up and I get a good look at his face. He is rather handsome, he had dark brown eyes, and brown hair that was tied in a pony tail with a red ribbon. I look over at the gravestone he was visiting, "Who were you visiting today?" I ask him, he looks over at my direction and he looks at the grave. His face saddens.

"Oh she was someone I really cared about," he said. I realize he was in love with her.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. What was her name?" I ask.

"Elise," he said, "who were you visiting?" I look up at him.

"My father," I simply say. Some tears fall again, but I quickly bottled then up inside me.

"What's your name," he asks me.

"(Y/N), yours?" I say.

"Arno," he says. I smile.

"You know she was lucky to have you, you seem like a really nice man," I say to Arno. He smiles.

"Maybe one day i'll find another to love, but that person will never replace Elise," Arno says.

"Maybe you will,"

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