A Story I'm Thinking About Doing

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I have an idea for a story. It is not a fan fiction but a horror/thriller.

If I do write it it will be about a woman, in the late 1950's, is sent to prison for the murder of her husband and two children. She insisted that she didn't do it but it was the entity in the house that did it. No one believes her. Everyone thinks she is insane.

40 years after, a reporter goes to the prison that she is at. And she tells the reporter the events leading up to the death of her family.

I got this idea from watching the Amityville Horror movie, which is one of my favorite horror movies next to An American Haunting.

So if anyone likes this idea let me know by leaving a comment. Also this is just an idea so I won't get offended if any of think this idea is terrible.

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