Request: Shay X Blind Reader

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Requested by MakiLoveHomestuck.

Image: You feel useless because of your disability and you are afraid that Shay will leave you.

Warning: Smut

"Okay, this way, (Y/N)," a woman whom was probably in her 30's tells me. She leads me to another room. Well...since I can't see anything. Nothing at all. The woman, whom my lover, Shay, calls Charlotte, sits me down in a soft plush chair. She takes care of me when Shay is away on his trips. Shay worries for me when he is away. He says that knowing that I am being taken care of puts his mind at ease. makes me feel useless at times. I feel like that I am always the damsel in distress. It does not feel good to feel that way. I always try to prove that I don't need someone to do everything for me. I try but I fail.

Sometimes I feel I put too much stress on Shay. He has done so much for me. Too much stuff in fact. I love him but sometimes I fear that he will leave me at any moment.

"Would you like any tea?" Charlotte asks me. I turn to the sound of her voice and I nod my head slightly. A minute later she comes back with the tea and she sets the tea cup in my hands. I bring the cup to my lips and I take a sip.

The warm liquid warms my throat. I take another sip and another until the cup was empty. I reach my hand out to feel the coffee table. I touch the smooth wood on the table and I set the tea cup on the table. I then hear Charlotte come to the table and take the tea cup off it.

"Thank you," I tell her.

"You're welcome, Miss (L/N)," Charlotte says. I smile at her. I fold my hands over my lap and I fiddle with my fingers.

"Have I gotten a letter from Shay?" I ask her.

"Umm, let me look," Charlotte tells me. About a minute later I hear her walk up to me, "I'm afraid not," I nod my head and I sigh. I haven't even heared from Shay in over a month. I hope he is okay and on his way home.

Or maybe he has found a better woman for himself. Someone who doesn't need to be constantly look after. Someone who can take care off herself.

I feel tears coming down my face. I let out a sniffle and I whip away the tears from my face before Charlotte could notice.

A moment later I hear the front door open and close. I feel someone caress my cheek.

"Shay?" I ask the person that I could tell was in front of me.

"Its me, love," a Irish accent that I knew too well tells me. I smile and he kisses my lips. I kiss him back and I wrap my arms around his neck. Shay then pulls away and his forehead leans on mine.

Then I feel Shay's head move, "You may take your leave now, Charlotte," Shay tells her.

"Yes, Mr Cormac," Charlotte says and she leaves us. Shay captures his lips with mine again. I moan into the kiss, which seemed to rile him up even more.

I feel him wrap my legs around his waist. I gasp as he pulls he me closer to him. Shay kisses my lips again.

"Oh, I missed you so much," Shay husks out. But then he stops and he looks at me, "And I am sorry for not sending any letters to you," Shay tells me, "You must have been worried sick," I place my hand on his cheek.

"Shay, you're here now," I tell him, "that's all that matters," my smile then fades, "In truth...I was worried you were with another woman," I could feel his eyes on me. Shay pulls me off the chair and he leads me to a couch.

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