Shay X Assassin Reader

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I run with my fellow Assassins, chasing the traitor Shay Cormac. The man I loved. We follow him to the cliff on the far side of the Homestead. Shay looks down at the cliff.

All of the Assassins stop. I stand in the middle of Hope and Liam. Liam points his pistol at Shay.

"That's enough!" Liam yells at Shay. Shay turns around and looks at all of us.

"Give back the Manuscript Shay, I'm sure Achilles......" Hope starts to say.

"I cannot! I will not let this happen again!" Shay yells, referring to the tragedy that happened in Lisbon. Shay looks down at the cliff, "all those souls lost, one more hardly matters," I realize what he is about to do, he is about to jump off the cliff.

"Shay! Please don't this!" I plead with him, he glances at me. My (E/C) eyes meet his brown eyes for a split second, before he quickly looks away from me, he moves closer to the cliff, "Shay! Please, I-I love you!"

Before he could say anything I hear a gun shot and Shay falls down the cliff. I look at the place where Shay once stood. My knees feel weak and I fall on them. The tears start to come down my cheeks.

The wind blows off my hood over my head, and the wind blows at my (H/C) hair. My chest tightens and the sobbing sounds come out of my mouth. I bring my knees to my chest and I bury my head in my knees and I start to cry more and more, not caring who hears me.

Liam sits down next to me and he places a hand on my shoulder. He tries to comfort me with a hug, I hug him back and I bury my face in his chest and I sob in his chest. Liam helps me off the ground and he practically carries me back to the Manor.

2 Years Later

I sit on a random rooftop in New York. I think about the day that I last Shay alive. Despite his betrayal to the Brotherhood, I still loved him. Even after I learned that he was still alive and he joined the Templars.

My hood was down, exposing my (H/C) hair and my (E/C) eyes. I look at the setting sun, which leaves the sky in yellow, orange, and pink hues. I always loved watching the sunset, even as a little girl.

"Oh god, Shay," I mumble to myself, "what have you gotten yourself into?" I whip a stray tear off my face, "Templars, why did you have to become a Templar out of all things?"

I bring my knees closer to my chest, and I wrap my arms around my legs. I lean my head on my knees. But then I get this weird sensation that someone is watching me. I look around, but I don't see anyone. I shrug off the weird felling and I continue to look at the sunset.

But the sensation remains, I start to feel uneasy and I look behind me, and I see a chimney. My head slowly moves up the chimney, and I see a male figure in a black and red coat above me.

He jumps off the chimney, targeting me. I see him flex his wrist and I hidden blade is shown. My eyes widen and I dodge him at the last second.

I get up from the ground, and I look at my attacker. He looks at me, and what first catches my eyes is the Templar cross on the strap on his chest. I immediately put my hand on my swords, ready for another attack.

The Templar looks at me with his eyes widen. I glance at him. He wasn't bad to look at, for a Templar. He looked familiar. He had black hair that was long enough to where it was tied into a pony tail with a red band. He had a short stubble of a beard growing, he had a scar across his left eye, and he had dark brown eyes that were all too familiar.

"(Y/N)," my attacker says my name, he had an Irish accent, I immediately recognize his voice.

"Shay?" I ask, not really sure if it was him or not. He nods. Many feeling come to play when I stair at him. I feel happy about seeing him, but at the same time I'm fearful. He already killed two of my fellow Assassins, Kesegowaase, and Adewale, and he just tried to kill me.

Without thinking I lower my hand off my sword and I run up to him and I hug him. I know he is my enemy but I missed him so much. Shay hugs me back and he buries his head in my neck.

"I missed you so much," Shay says. I look up at him, and I smile.

"I missed you too," I tell him. Shay brings his thumb to my cheek, and he caresses my cheek.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was you," Shay apologizes for almost killing me, "you do realize that I would never hurt you?" I nod.

"I know that," I tell him, a tear falls down my cheek. Shay wipes it away with his thumb. I pull on the collar of his coat and I bring him in for a kiss. Shay kisses me back.

Shay pushes me up against the chimney, and he starts to kiss my neck. I let out a moan when he kisses my sensitive spot. Shay moves back to my lips and his body presses firmly up against mine. He pulls away from the kiss and he leans his forehead on mine.

"You still love me despite all of the things that I've done," he says to me. I nod my head and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I will always love you until I take my last breath," I tell him, "maybe even after that," I place a hand on his cheek, I smile weakly, "you look so much different," Shay chuckles.

"Oh, do I now?" Shay asked amused. I nod and I kiss his lips again. Then I nuzzle head in the crook of his neck. His hands move up and down my hips.

My hands fall from his neck and they fall onto his chest. I look over at the setting sun. I look back at Shay.

"I have to go," I tell him.

"Why?" He asks. I smirk.

"If I told you, then you might follow me," I say. Shay chuckles.

"If you don't, then I could still follow you to find you," Shay points out. I grin.

"Touche," I say, "I have to 'take care' of someone,"

"That is all your going to tell me, is it?" He asks. I nod and I grin. I step away from him and I do a leap of faith into a hay bale.

Now I got a Templar to kill.

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