Request: Shay X Assassin Reader (Modern)

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Requested by death-dealer123.

Image: You and your boyfriend, Shay, go to Italy for some fun and relaxation. You both meet up with Ezio while there.

Warning: Smut

Me and Shay broad our plane that is going to the airport in Florence, Italy.  We woke up very early in the morning, 4 in the morning in fact.

Both Shay and I were completely exhausted. All I wanted to do was just go to sleep. Thankfully not many people were on the plane yet so both Shay and I could get some rest before the plane was full.

Shay let me sit down in a seat and he puts our luggage in the compartments the seats. He sits down next to me and he yawns. I put my head on his shoulder and yawn.

Shay smiles at me and I smile back, "Get some sleep, love," Shay yells me. His Irish accent was like music to my ears. Even though he was supost to be my enemy. Him a Templar; me an Assassin.

Two different worlds. I never cared that our orders didn't approve of our relationship. I fell for Shay and he fell for me.

Shay kisses my forehead and I snuggle my head his shoulder and I soon fall asleep. I then wake up to feeling something kick my seat. I groan in annoyance. I look at Shay who seems just as annoyed as me.

I look behind us and I see a young boy and girl kicking our seats. The boy was kicking my seat while the girl was kicking Shay's. Their mother was on her phone, not really paying any attention to them. God! I hated parents like that!

I look at Shay, who just seemed so exhausted. I kiss his cheek and he manages to make a smile for me. I look back at the mother, whom was still not paying any attention to her kids.

"Ma'am, could you please tell your children to stop kicking our seats?" I ask her politely. She looks up from her phone and rolls her eyes at me.

"My children can do whatever they want!" she rudely tells me. I glare at the woman, trying to resist the urge to punch her right then and there. Shay touches my arm and I sit turn away from the woman. I look at Shay abd I make a fake smile.

"You sure you want to have kids?" I ask him quietly enough so the I wouldn't start a fight with the mom behind me.

"No," Shay mouths out while shaking his head. We both laugh slightly. I lay my head back down on his shoulder.

"You know I was joking, right?" I tell him. Shay looks at me and he holds my hand.

"Aye," Shay tells me, "Lets just hope ours will be well behaved," Shay whipers. I laugh and I peck his lips.

"Oh, what time is it?" I ask him. Shay checks his phone.

"9:12 am," Shay tells me. I smile, four hours of sleep and on a ten hour flight. That I only slept through maybe three hours of it.

About seven hours later, the plane finally lands in Florence. It was 10 pm in Italy and I was certainty tired.

We get our luggage and we exit the airport. Shay takes my hand as we walk out of the airport. I yawn. I look around at the gorgeous city that Florence is. Then I notice a familiar man walking towards Shay and I. The man looks at me and smiles.

"Ciao bella!" the man calld out to me. I recognized his voice.

"Ezio?" I question. Ezio holds his arms out. Ezio smiles at me.

"In the flesh," Ezio says. I run up to him and he envelops me in a hug, "Oh, I missed you, bella,"

I hug him tighter, "Oh, I missed you too, Ezio," I tell him. I then let Ezio go and I look at Shay, whom looked slightly jealous, "Oh, this is my boyfriend, Shay," I tell Ezio, "And Shay, this is my best friend, Ezio," I tell Shay. Ezio holds out his hand to Shay and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you, Shay," Ezio say to him. Shay nods.

"You too," Shay says. Ezio smiles at us.

"Well, I bet you both had a very long and exhaustive flight, so I will leave you two so you can get to your hotel, or wherever you are staying at so arrivederci (good bye)," Ezio says and then he leaves.

Shay takes my hand and we wait for a cab. A few minutes later a cab picked us up and took us to our hotel.

Once at the hotel, we checked into our room. We set our bags down on the ground. Shay then flops down on the on his back.

I smirk and I climb onto bed with him and I wrap my legs around his waist. Shay hums and smiles in response.

"Hey, did you ever date Ezio?" Shay asks me all of a sudden. I chuckle and I shake my head.

"No, are you jealous?" I tease. Shay laughs slightly. Shay grips my waist.

"I know It's silly but I did not like him touching you like that," Shay tells me. I sigh and I cup his cheeks.

"Shay, you have nothing to worry about," I tell him. I smirk and I lean down and I kiss his lips. Shay kisses back and he sits up, still kissing me. His fingers tangle themselves in my (H/C) hair.

I grab the helm of his shirt and I lift it over his head. My handsbmove up and down his toned chest. I kiss his neck and he moans. He then takes of my shirt and his hands fall on my bare back.

He un-hooks my bra and he takes it off, exposing my chest to him. Shay kisses my lips again and he flips me onto my back.

He leaves my lips and he kisses my neck. He continues to ravage my neck with kisses. I start to moan as he kisses my sweetspot. Shay then leaves my neck andbhe kisses down the valley of my breasts and then down to my stomach.

He takes ahold of my pants and he pulls them down my legs. I pant and moan more and more. He then kisses my lips once again and he slips off my underware.

By now the heat between my legs was becoming unbearable. I wrap my legs around him and I attempt to take off his pants with my feet. Shay then takes them off the rest of the way and also his boxers.

I wrap my legs around his waist. Shay kisses my neck and he pushes into me slowly until he was all the way in. I moan loudly and I close my eyes as I adjust to his size.

Sure it did hurt but it soon turned into pleasure. I buck my hips forward and he startd to thrust into me. I moan and I dig my nails into his back. Shay groans.

I arch my back, wanting more. Shay then starts to thrust faster and I moan louder. Shay kisses my lips once again.

I start to feel a knot in my stomach start to form. I tighten my legs around his wait. My fingers tangle in his dark brown hair and I pull on it. Shay groans and his thrusts become harder.

I last a few more thrusts before my realise came. I moan loudly. Shay lasts about two more until he realises inside of me. He moans out my name and he collapses onto me.

I pant heavily as I softly run my fingers through his hair. He lays his head on my chest. I start to feel sleep come my way and I yawn softly.

"Shay.." I whisper. He responds with a soft hum, "I love you,"

"I love you too," Shay tells me. That was the last thing I heared before I fell asleep.

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