Edward X Reader

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I sit at the bow of the Jackdaw, I look up at the night sky and I look at all of the stars. The Jackdaw is docked in Havana, Cuba. It is such a beautiful city

I hear footsteps behind me. I look behind me, and I see Edward behind me. My (E/C) meet his blue ones. The wind blows at my (H/C) hair. Edward stands beside me and he looks at me.

"What are you looking at, love?" Edward says. I smile.

"Just looking at the stars," I say, "there beautiful aren't they," Edward puts his arm around my waist, and he kisses the top of my head.

"Sure (Y/N) the stars are beautiful," Edward says, "but they aren't as beautiful as you," I smiles and Edward starts to kiss my neck. I giggle. I put my arms around his neck and I start kissing his lips.

Edward breaks away and picks me up bridle style, and he carries me to his cabin. That night we......Uh.......you know.

I wake up the next morning wrapped in Edward's arms. I slowly try to get up from the bed. But Edward's grip on me tightens. I sigh and stay in bed. I roll over and I rest my head on his bare chest, tracing the tattoo with my finger.

Edward groans, he realises his grip on me and rolls over. I roll my eyes, and I get out of bed. I put on my (F/C) shirt, grey tight pants and my brown boots. I walk towards Edward I give him a peck on the lips. He wakes up and he pulls me back on to the bed and I land on top of him.

Edward pulls me in for a kiss, I play with his sandy blond hair. I pull away.

"Edward, we have to get back to the deck at some point," I whine. Edward groans.

"Fine!" He groans. Edward gets up and I look away. He gets up and he changes into his assassin robes. But he still looked like a pirate.

We walk out of the cabin, and the Jackdaw leaves Havana.

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