Ezio X Pregnant Reader

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I pace back and forth in mine and Ezio's bedroom. The anxiety builing up inside of me. I just learned today from the doctor that I'm with child, and having to tell Ezio stresses me out.

The other day I got a letter from him saying that he would be back today. He left for Roma about a month ago and he will be arriving in Monteriggioni today. I'm happy that he is coming home and I will finally get to see him again, but the worries I have about telling him about the baby consume me.

Will he be happy or will he be angry? I flop down on my bed and I land on my back. I place a shacky hand on my flat stomach. I feel the (F/C) fabric of the dress. A tear or two slides down my cheeks. I feel miserable but happy at the same time.

Happy since I will be a mother but miserable not knowing how Ezio will feel about this. I think he would be happy since it's his. But what if he leaves me, but he wouldn't do that.

Then someone comes rushing in my room, Claudia. Ezio's younger sister. Me and her became friends over my two years of living in Monteriggioni. I sit up and look at her.

"(Y/N), Ezio is back!" Claudia says happily. I smile and I rush down stairs with Claudia. At the landing I see Ezio in his white and red assassin robes. His hood was off, exposing his dark brown hair. Ezio sees me and he smiles, he is so handsome when he smiles.

I smile more and I run into his arms. Ezio holds me tight and in an embrace.

"I missed you so much, mi amore," I tell him. Ezio chuckles and I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. I compleatly forgot about any worrisome thoughts in my head.

"I missed you as well, bella," Ezio tells me. I grin and I look up at him. Ezio smirks and he pulls me closer to him and he gives me a long wanting kiss. I quickly glance around and we were alone.

Ezio carries me to our room and he places me on our bed and he hovers over me. Ezio leans down and he kisses my neck. I start taking off his the robes that covered his chest. Then his lips leave my neck and he takes off his white linen shirt, exposing his toned chest. Ezio then starts to take off my dress.

Then I remember the baby. Could we hurt it by doing this? He doesn't even know about it yet. No, as much as I don't want to deny him, I can't risk hurting the baby. I have to tell him, well it's now or never.

"Ezio....," I say his name, trying desperately not to sound needy for him. He stops what he is doing and he looks at me.

"What is it (Y/N)?" Ezio asks me worried. I start to sit up and Ezio moves so I can sit up. I fix my dress and I look at him.

"Ezio..... How do you feel about children?" I ask him. Ezio looked puzzled by the question. He then sighed.

"I don't know, I guess I never really thought about it before," He says. I smile weakly.

"What would you say if I told you soon there will be a child running around the villa?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. Ezio didn't look like he was getting what I was trying to tell him.

So I slowly grabed his hand and I placed it on my flat stomach. The gears in his head were finally turning. He stayed silent for a moment which worried me. He only starred at my stomach.

"(Y/N)..... Are you....?" he asked me. I nod my head. He didn't look angry nor happy. But then a smile reached his lips.

Ezio then pulled me into his embrace. I smiled and he kissed my lips.

"Are you happy?" I ask him. He smiles more.

"Of course I am!" he exclaimes, "Why would I not be?" I kiss him lips once again. Ezio pulls me onto his lap and I wrap my legs around his waist. Hands move up and down my waist. For the rest of the day Ezio spended the rest day with me.

Then nine months later we had a baby boy named Federico, after Ezio's brother.

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