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Okay so here is some more stuff about me.

1. I am a history geek. I love the ancient world and the history of England, Greece, Rome, Egypt, South America.

2. I have a Guinea Pig named Ceaser. No not as in Ceaser Borgia. As in Julius Ceaser, the Roman Emperor.

3. One game I really want to play is Outlast. I've seen Markiplier play it and it looks so terrifying but so fun. My brother has but he got to the point where he is too terrified to play, can't blame him.

4. Some t.v shows that I like are Dexter, Supernatural, Grimm, Lucifer, Who's Line is it Anyway, Saturday Night Live, Family Guy, and the Simpsons. Two t.v shows that I liked but were canceled were The Secret Circle and Dracula. The Secret Circle was about a group of modern day witches. Dracula was about well, Dracula and he is in the early 1900's England.

5. The video games that I like are the Assassin's Creed Series, Uncharted, Skyrim, Call of Duty, Thief, and Until Dawn.

6. I love animals and I hate it when people get a pet and they don't treat it right. So I am an Animal Activist.

7. I hate people who think they are better than everybody else.

8. One last thing: Team Edward or Team Jacob?

 One last thing: Team Edward or Team Jacob?

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Jacob and Edward: *shakes their heads*

Shay: No, just no.

Me: What! Who do you think I was talking about!

Ezio: Uhhh

Me: No! Don't mention it!

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