Request: Assassin Shay X Assassin Reader

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Requested by Hanako109.

Image: You and Shay have been married for two years. You and him have finished a mission and you both decide to go to a hotel for some needed rest. But Shay can't sleep and he starts to flirt with you.

Warning: Smut

"Washington can bearly stand," Shay says to me. I give him a sad look. I didn't want to murder that sickly man. But in all honesty....he would die anyway if we didn't, "Liam better be right about this because we are about to murder a dying man," Shay tells me.

Shay, my husband of two years. I remember when I first met him. It was maybe a year after he joined the Brotherhood. Achilles brought you to the Homestead when you were 16 years old. When we first met him I thought he was a very kind person, a very caring person. But he was, and still is, a brash and laid back person.

But I was a tad bit more serious than him. I followed orders without question. As for Shay, he would often question the Brotherhood. Can't blame him though. There are some things that we fo that are.....questionable.

" would be kinder to kill him now than to let him suffer," I tell him. I know that sounded dark and sick but it is true. Shay places a hand on the lower part on my back and he kisses my forehead.

"Perhaps you're right," Shay says. I weakly smile up at him. I place a hand on his cheek. I peck his lips. Shay smiles and he takes his hands in mine and his forehead leans on mine.

"I love you," Shay tells me. I smile and I kiss his lips again.

"I love you too," I tell him. But then I step away from his warm embrace, "But sadly, we don't have time right now to be affectionate,"

Shay sighs, "Then shall we?" I nod my head.

"So how should we do this?" I ask Shay. He looks at me slightly confused.

"What do you mean?" He asks. I quickly take a look from our hiding spot and there were alot of guards.

"How do we go by this?" I ask him, "Since you have that....silent rifle, you can put the guards to sleep with some sleep darts and I'll go and knock out some guards. We will meet up in a group of civilians and when Washington gets close enough that is when we will strike and we will interrogate him while he is taking his final breaths,"

"Sounds good to me," Shay says, "I will put the two guards guardin the entrance to sleep and you will sneak in and knock the guards out while I put what I can to sleep, just enough so we don't get detected," Shay tells me. I nod my head.

Shay takes out his silent rifle and he loads it with the sleet darts. He aims the rifle at a guard at the entrance he pulls the trigger and he hits one of the guards. He quickly aims at the other guard and pulls the trigger. The two guards quickly fall asleep.

Shay and I enter the garden and we put whatever guards we find to sleep. Shay and I then find Washington and we blend into a group of people.

I take a look up at the sky and some fireworks go off. The colorful blues, reds, and greens fill the night sky with bursts of color.

I look back at Washington whom was limping his way towards the group of people that Shay and I were blending in. He starts to cough violently.

I felt bad for that man. He was much weaker than me and Shay. It felt wrong to kill him. I grab Shay's arm.

"This feels wrong," I tell him. For the first time...I was questioning the Brotherhood. Shay nods in agreement.

"I know, he just looks so sickly," Shay tells me. I take his hand in mine, "But....we have orders," I nod my head.

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