First Date

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Altaïr: He took you to a nice restaurant. Afterwards you and him walked around a park, just enjoying each other's company.

Arno: He invited you to his house, where made dinner. Which was amazing. He made the dinner table as romantic as possible. You and him ate dinner and sipped wine.

Conner: He took you camping. Where he taught you the aspects of nature. When night came he made a fire and you and him admired the stars in the sky.

Desmond: He took you to the movies and both of you didn't want to see one of those cheesy romantic comedies. So you saw a horror movie called The Conjuring 2. Every time a jump scare came up you jumped and Desmond held your hand.

Edward: He took you to the fair and won you a large stuffed bear from one of the games. After you both ate random fair food, and rode some rides.

Ezio: He took you on a picnic in the park. He lied down a blanket on the green grass and set up plates and wine glasses. You both ate delicious food that he had made.

Haytham: He took you to a fancy restaurant. He picked up the tab, of course, and he took you to see one of your favorite plays.

Jacob: He took you to his house and he made dinner....... well tried to. The roast he tried to make was burned and what was ever in the skillets caught on fire. You helped him put the fire out. He kept apologizing, and you both decided to get pizza.

Shay: He took you to the aquarium, where  you both admired the exotic fish in the large tanks. You told him before that you love marine life. So he thought this was the perfect place to take you. You even saw a humpback whale and Shay screamed out 'Whale ho!' Which earned you and him strange glances from other people. But you couldn't help but laugh.

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