Request: Altaïr X Reader

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Everyone, I will not be taking requests anytime soon. I have a pretty good number of them I have to do.

Requested by TwiceTheImagination.

Image: You are Al Mualim's daughter and he arranges a marriage between you and the Master Assassin, Altaïr. Altaïr hates the arranged marriage between you and him. So he tries to advoid you as best he can.

I run through Masyaf Castle as Kadar and Malik chase after me. I may have stolen their Assassin robes. I giggle as I run away from them. I was a pretty fast runner, even though I am not an Assassin. Father tells me that he would not allow me to become one because he thinks if he allowed me to become one, I will just be a distraction to the male Assassins. Al Mualim is my father, my mother died after giving birth to me.

I slide under a large wooden table and I get a few disapproving looks from the Assassins. Kadar and Malik jump over the table. I shriek and I laugh, I continue to run from them like my life depended on it. My (F/C) dress kind of obstructs my movements but nevertheless I still ran as fast as I could. But suddenly I feel someone grab my arm tightly. I look up and I see Malik's irritated face.

"Give back our robes (Y/N)!" Malik yells at me. I grin and giggle.

"Here, you go," I giggle out and give back their robes. Kadar and Malik give me a glare but I wrap my arms around them, "You both can't stay mad at me forever," they sigh and hug me back. I smile at them then they look over at something. I turn around and I see an Assassin coming towards us.

"(Y/N), Al Mualim wants to see you, right now," he tells me. I smile at the Assassin and I wave goodbye to Malik and Kadar. I walk up the steps to my father's desk but at the top I see him talking with an Assassin. I couldn't see his face because of the hood. I hesitantly walk towards my father.

My father sees me and he smiles in my direction. I smile back at him and I bow out of respect.

"Rise, sweetheart," father tells me. I stand up and them I look at the Assassin. He had his hood up but I could tell it was Altaïr because of the scare on his lip.

"Altaïr," I greet him. He only nods at me. We never really talked much to eachother. I know he is the best Assassin of the Levantine Brotherhood, our brotherhood. I look back at my father.

"I will take my leave then, Master," Altaïr tells my father. My father looks back at Altaïr.

"No, you need to hear this too," Altaïr raises an eyebrow at my father but stays.

"Papa, you wanted to see me?" I ask him. I glance at Altaïr and he stands next to me at my father's desk. Father smiles at me.

"Yes, my dear," father says, "You are 18 now and I have to find you a husband. I know I should have gave you away at 15 but I felt that was too young to have you marry," my breath hitches in the back of my throat, "I have choosen a husband for you," father tells me. A tear falls down my cheek.

What little freedom I have will be taken from me. I would be a just a thing for pleasure for my husband. Or his punching toy. His child bearing; obedient wife. None of which I ever wanted to be.

"Who?" I ask softly. I fiddle with my fingers. I glance at Altaïr who was still here. Clearly this didn't concern him any. Why does father want him to hear this?

"You are standing next to him," Father tells me. Altaïr's eyes widen and he scoffs.

"Y-You can't be serious?!" Altaïr nearly yells. My father sighs and nods. Altaïr backs away slowly but stops, "I will not marry her!" he yells at my father. My father bangs his fist on his desk which makes me jump.

"You will!" he yells at Altaïr. I fiddle with my fingers. I look up at my father.

"Do I have any say in any of this!" I raise my voice. My father points a finger at me.

"You will marry who I tell you," Father tells me, "that is a no!" I scoff and shake my head, "Now you two stand in front of my desk," he tells us. I close my eyes and I stand in front of his desk. Altaïr stands beside me.

I open my eyes again and I see my father pulling out a book, "I will be marring you both, now," my father tells us. Altaïr clenches his fists in anger, hard enough his knuckles turned pale white.

My father says the ceremony in Arabic. I bearly listened to any of it. Altaïr gave father a death glare throught the whole thing. It was unsettling.

"Altaïr, will you take (Y/N) to be your wife?" Father asks. Altaïr rolled his eyes and continued his glare.

"Why ask? It is clear I have no choice in the matter," Altaïr says while gritting his teeth. Father clenches his fists.

"Stay your tounge boy!" Father nearly yells at him. My father looks at me, "(Y/N), will you take Altaïr as your husband?" I look at my father.

"I do," I say in just above a whisper. Altaïr nor I had any say at all. Might as well be cooperative. Father smiles slightly at me.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife," Father says. Once he does, Altaïr quickly walks away. I look in the direction in which Altaïr walked away. Father puts a hand on my shoulder. I push his hand away and I quickly walk away.

Three months later

Since the marriage, Altaïr would take any mission, just to not be around me. Every time I would even try to speak to him, my husband, he would just push me aside and take another mission. It hurt to know he couldn't stand to be around me that much! I never wanted this marriage! It was not my fault! I never asked for this!

I sit alone, in what is supposed to be mine and Altaïr's bedroom, but might as well call it my room. I start to draw a flower out of boredom. I start to hum a song I remember from when I was little.

I then suddenly hear the bedroom door open. In came Altaïr, I quickly look away from him. I start to gather my stuff off the bed and put them on a table.

"You must be tired from your mission," I say to him, "I will leave," I tell him and just as I was about to leave, Altaïr grabs my arm. I look up at him and then I notice he was clenching his side.

I take his hand off my arm and I inspect his side. Blood stained his white robed and a large woundcon his side. I gasp slightly and I make him take off his upper robes. I have him lay down on the bed. I pour some warm water into a bowel and I grab a clean towel.

I start to clean his wound. He winces in pain, "Sorry," I say. He looks up at me. I glance at him and I caress his cheek.

"You are too kind to me," Altaïr tells me, "Why? After I have been so cruel to you?"

"I am your wife, I am supposed to take care of you," I tell him. He sighs.

"But as a husband...I have not been doing the same with you," Altaïr tells me. I smile and I kiss his hand. I then proceed to stitch up his wound. Altaïr continues to look at me, "You deserve better," he tells me. I look at him and I sigh.

"Believe me....I scared all of the suitors that I have met," I tell him. Altaïr grips my hand and rubs his thumb across it. I look at him and smile slightly. He caresses my cheek, "I thought you hated me," I tell him.

"I first. But I just learned to accept this arrangement," he tells me. He pulls me down and his lips connect with mine. He kiss me with passion. I kiss him back and he rolls over so that I am under him.

Well....I guess you could say we had a very eventful night.

Hey sorry if this made no sense. I am very tired.

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