Jacob X Reader (Modern)

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I sit at a table in the mall talking with two of my best friends; Evie, and Elise. We were talking about random shit and then I hear some guys laughing. I look over my shoulder and I see Ezio Auditore, Arno Dorian and Jacob Frye.

Jacob is Evie's twin brother. And the are nothing alike at all. I mean Evie is more serious but she does joke around sometimes. Jacob is more laid back and jokes around alot.

Jacob looks at me and grins. I blush slightly. Evie sees this and she smirks.

"Oh my god, you like my brother," she says. My face turns red and I shake my head in denile.

"No, no I don't," I say clearly lying. Elise sqeals and jumps up and down in her seat.

"Oh my, our dear (Y/N) has a crush!" Elise says a little too loudly, "We could all go on a triple date," I look at her wide eyed. I can't believe she was already making plans, "Henry-Evie, Me-Arno, (Y/N)-Jacob; oh it's going to be so great,"

"Date him," Evie practically demands me to. I shake my head, "Oh come on! Your obviously crazy about him and he is obviously crazy about you,"

"He has a girlfriend," I point out to her. She grins.

"Not anymore," I look at her confused, "He dumped her, lets just say she went bonkers, she lost her rocker, she went cukoo for coco puffs crazy,"

"So in other words she was a obsessive bitch," Elise says. Evie smiles.

"Precisely!" Evie laughs out. Both me and Elise laugh out loud. We eventually stop laughing and I look over my shoulder and I see Jacob talking with Ezio and Arno. I could make out some of their conversation.

"Come on, stop being a wuss and ask her out," Arno tells Jacob. Jacob had his head down and he groans. I look away from them, not wanting to eavesdrop any further.

After a little more talking with Evie and Elise, Evie and Elise look up at something. I turn around and I see Jacob coming towards us. He looked so nervous. He set a folded note down in front of me and quickly walked away. I open the note.

Dear (Y/N),

I know this is going to sound very cheesy but I liked you ever since we first met. So will you please go out on a date with me. It's okay if you don't like me like that.

Write yes or no at the bottem and hand this note back to me.

I write my answer and I hand the note back to him. I walk back to my seat, and I watch him quickly open the note.

He looks at me and he has a huge grin on his face. I smile back at him.

You can probably quess what I wrote down.

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