Haytham X Reader (Modern)

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"Please, oh please Haytham!" I beg him. He shakes his head.

"For the hundredth time, no!" Haytham says with finality in his voice. I give him my puppy dog eyes.

"But there so cute!" I beg him again. Haytham shakes his head.

"Sure the puppies are cute but we came here to get a cat, not a dog," Haytham reminds me. I pout. We are at a humane shelter in London, and they just got some puppies.

"But Haytham, a dog would be so much more fun to play with, cats just laze around all day," I tell him. Haytham rolls his eyes.

"But a cat is quiet," Haytham counters.

"But if you have a cat you could forget you have one until you see it!" I counter back, "at least if you have a dog, you don't ever forget you have one,"

"(Y/N) for the last time we are getting a cat," Haytham gets very impatient with me, "and I thought you liked cats,"

"I do....... but I like dogs more," I tell him. I look back at the cute little Flat Coat Retriever puppies. They all look at me with those adorable brown eyes, they looked like they were practically begging me to adopt them.

I pick up one of them. It was a little brown puppy, possibly the runt of the litter. I held it close and it start to lick my face. I giggle and I kiss it's little wet nose.

"Will a cat do that?" I ask mockingly. Haytham looks at the puppy in my arms. He scratches it behind the ear, the puppy licks his hand, and it pants. Haytham makes a warm smile.

"You really want a puppy, do you?" He asks me. I nod my head, "fine," that was all he said. I smile and I jump up and down slightly.

"Thank you, baby," I say and I kiss his cheek. I look down at the puppy in my arms, "I want this one," Haytham nods. The puppy yips. Haytham sighs and then he looks at me.

"Oh, that puppy is going to get big," he says. I roll my eyes.

"Its a Retriever, it's not going to get too big," I tell him. Haytham kisses my cheek. Then one of the people who work at the humane society come up to us.

"Have you found our new little friend?" He asks us. I nod.

"Yes we have," I tell him.

"Okay, if you will come this way, I will get the paper work ready for you both," he tells us. After a minute or so he hands Haytham the paper work. The humane society worker takes the puppy from me and he get the puppy ready to come home with us.

I wave at the puppy. After about ten minutes Haytham finishes the paper work, and he hands it to the humane society worker. He takes the paper work.

"Okay, everything seems to be in order, now what will you name your new little boy," he asks.

"Ummm, how about Riley," I say, Haytham nods.

"Okay, what are your names.

"Haytham Kenway," Haytham says his name.

"(Y/N) Kenway," I say my name. The humane society worker writes down our names and he hands us the certificate.

"Okay, have fun with your new pet," he hands us our new puppy, Riley, and we take him back to the car, and now pet supplies!

Haytham is going to love that. Not!

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