Request: Connor X Reader

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Requested by The_written_one.

Today was mine and Connor's first anniversary. One full year of being married to him. It's been hard at times, you know, him not always being with me. But I knew what I was getting into when I married him.

But overall, Connor has made me very happy. Happier than I have ever been. I made him a new bow as a anniversary present. I hope he likes it.

Wait, scratch that he better like it because it took several weeks for me to get the construction right. I had to keep testing the bows out to make sure they worked right until I made a proper working bow finally. I know what you all are thinking, Why didn't I just buy him a bow? Well, I remember my parents telling me thst a gift has more value if you make it yourself.

I even carved Connor's birth name, Ratonhnhaké:ton, into the bow. For the life of me, I could never pronounce it correctly. He tried to teach me how to say but then gave up.

I walk up to the morning sun's bright rays in my face. I groan and I roll over expecting my head to land on Connor's bare chest. But I was met with the cushion of the bed.

I sit up and I don't see him anywhere in our room. I get out of bed and I put on a (F/C) dress. I brush my (H/L) (H/C) hair so it isn't a mess.

I walk down the creaking stairs of the Manor. Once I reached the landing I look for Connor. I turn a corner and I see Achilles in the dining room drinking a cup of coffee. I smile at the old man.

"Good morning, Achilles," I greet him. Achilles sighs.

"It was until you came down," Achilles says in his usual grouchy manor. But he said it like he was kidding. I smirk and pretend that I was hurt by what he said.

"You break my poor little heart!" I playfully exclaim. Achilles chuckles. The laughter dies down, "Okay, do you know where Connor is?" I ask him.

"Yes, I believe he is at the stables getting his horse ready to leave for Boston," Achilles tells me. Without any hesitation I go to the stables. I run out of the Manor door. How could he planning to go on a mission on our anniversary out of all days; and not tell me for that matter?!

Sure enough I found Connorvat the stables. Perhaps he forgot. Wouldn't surprise me. He has alot of stuff on his plate: like he need to get rid of the Templar control here in the Colonies, help the Patriots fight off the British, and not to mention he is trying to maje sure his people are safe.

I walk up behind him and I tap his shoulder. Connor turns around and looks at me and smiles. He wraps me is his seemingly large arms.

"Do you know what day it is?" I ask him. Connor pulls away from me, but he his hands moved up and down my arms.

"Tuesday, why?" Connor says. I sigh.

"No, I mean the day," I tell him. Connor looks to the side for a moment.

"The 18th," Connor tells me. I nod my head.

"Yes, April 18th; does that date have any significance to you?" I ask him. Connor thinks for a moment. Then he realizes what I mean.

"Oh," that was all he says. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, 'oh'," I say with a frown on my face. Connor had a look of guilt on his face.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry," Connor tells me. The palm of his hand touches my face, "I will make this up to you when I come back," I smile at him.

"You better, my love," I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. I couldn't stay mad at him, not with a face like his. Connor kisses the top of my head.

I look into his dark brown eyes and I graze my lips over his in a teasing fashion. Connor pulls me close to his chest. He crashes his lips on mine. His hands cup my cheeks and my arms wrap around his neck. Connor licks ny bottom lip for entrance which I let him in.

Sadly we had to break the kiss. He needed to go to Boston and I didn't want to keep him from his mission. He got on his horse and I watched him ride off.

1 week later

It was about noon and I was reading a book. It has been a week since Connor went to Boston. I miss him dearly, like always when he was away.

Then I hear the front door open. I look up from my book and I see Connor standing at the doorway. I smile big and wide. I run up to him and hug him.

But then he groans in pain. I quickly pull away from him and I see that there was some blood seeping through his robes.

"It's nothing, (Y/N)," Connor tries to tell me but I frown and I make him sit in one of the chairs in the living room. I grab a needle and thread and I put it on a table in the living room. I look at Connor and he still had his Assassin robes on.

"Take off your upper robes," I tell him. Connor sighs and he does as he was told. He was then left shirtless. I blush at his toned hard chest. But I could also see the wound on his chest. It was a rather large cut.

I then start to stitch up with the needle and thread. Connor looks at me the whole time that I am doing this.

"Happy anniversary," Connor says and he holds out a banquet of (Favorite Flowers) to me. I smile and I take the flowers and I put them on the table and I continue the stitching.

"They're beautiful, Connor," I tell him. I finish up his stitches and I lean in and I peck his lips, "I have a present for you, Connor," Connor smiles.

"You didn't have to buy me anything," Connor tells me. I smirk.

"That's just it! I didn't buy you anything, I made you something," I say. I quickly go upstairs to our bedroom and I find the bow I made him and I walk downstairs with it.

When Connor sees the bow, his eyes light up like a child on Christmas. I hand him the bow and he takes it and inspects it. Then he looks at his name crafted into the bow. He chuckles

"You can spell my birth name perfectly, but for the life of you, you can't pronounce it correctly," Connor tells me. I chuckle with him.

"Do you like it?" I asl him. Connor pecks my lips.

"I love it," Connor tells me, "In fact, I'll will use it tomorrow for hunting," Connor kisses me one last time before putting his shirt and robes back on, "I have one last thing for you," before I could say anything Connor sliped something around my neck.

I looked down and he put a necklace around my neck. It had a brown leather strip with a carving of a wolf. I turn around and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love it," I tell him. Connor chuckles.

"I made it, you know," Connor tells me and I smile more.

"Now, I wont ever take it off," I tell him. Connor smiles more, I loved his smile. Then for the rest of the day, we cuddled on our bed and said sweet nothings to each other.

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