Request: Connor X Heart Broken Reader

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Requested by: thedarkiscalling.

Image: Your best friend just died and Connor tries to comfort you.

Tick tock tick tock

The only sound in my bedroom was the sound of the clock in my bedroom. I sit on the ground with my back against the wall. Tears roll down my face and my eyes were all red and puffy from the constant crying.

My best friend....dead. Killed by a bandit when she left to go to Boston to get medicine for her deathly ill father. He died about a day after she died. He didn't even know he was too weak to respond to anybody, let alone keep his eyes open.

My best friend was dead. The person I told all my secrets to. The person I grew up with. The person who I knew since I was four. We both would sleep in each other's bed when one of us had a nightmare. The person who I could talk about all my crushes to was now gone. All that was left of that person was a wooden cross with their name on it.

I break down again and I bury my face in my knees. I continue to sob for what felt like hours. I then heared a knock at my door.

"Go away!" I sob out as I didn't look at the door. The person knocks again. This time I look at the closed door, "I said go away!" I shout this time.

"(Y/N)...its Connor," I hear Connor's voice. I sniffle and continue to sob, "Please let me in,"

"I-I don't want to talk....I just want to be left alone," I tell him, "Please just...just leave me alone,"

"You have locked yourself in your room for four days now," Connor tells me, "I am very worried about you! You won't eat, you won't talk to anyone," Connor says, "Please she was my friend too," my lips quiver and I finally unlock my door.

Connor walks in and I sit on the floor again. He sits beside me. I look up at him and I wipe the tears away from my face.

"Did...did you find her?" I ask him. He looks at me and nods his head.

"Yes," he tells me, "I found her," I nod my head.

"Have you found those bandits?" I ask in hope her death was brought to justice. He shakes his head.

"No," he told me, "But I will, I promise you," I nod my head. More tears run down my face and I sniffle once again, "It will get better, I promise you," I break down again.

"How?! I have no one now! No family! She was like family to me! Now she is dead!" I cry out. He holds me and rubs my back. I cry into his chest.

"Let it out," he tells me, "And you do have someone," he tell me. I look up at him, "you have me," I nod and I smile slightly.

"Yes...I do," I nod my head and he grasps my hand, "Please don't end up like our friend. I couldn't live without the both of you," he holds me tight. Some more tears come down my cheeks but he wipes them away with his thumb. He kisses my forehead and he leans his forehead against mine.

"Don't won't loose me too," he tells me. I hug him and I just stay in his comforting embrace.

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