Father Ezio X Mother Reader

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I sit in a chair, reading a book. I look over at my daughter, Lucia, as she plays with a doll my mother made for her. I smile at my four year old daughter. She looks like Ezio, with her dark brown hair and her brown eyes. She even has his smile.

I look back at my book. I haven't seen Ezio in four years. He told me that he would be back. But as I said, that was four years ago. I learned that his father and brothers were executed for treason, and the guards were looking for him.

He and his mother and sister left Firenze the day of the execution. After that I don't know what happened to him. He never even said goodbye to him. He never even sent me a letter.

Well, when Lucia was two years old I left my parent's house and I got my own, for me and Lucia.

"Mammina (Mommy)," Lucia says while nudges my arm.

"Yes, Lucia?" I ask her.

"Can I go play outside?" Lucia asks me. I place my hand on her cheek.

"Si, but stay near the house," I tell her. Lucia smiles and nods. Lucia runs to the door, she opens it quickly, "And don't.....!" She then slams the door, "slam the door," I hear Lucia giggling and playing with the other children. I smile and I continue to read my book.

As I continue to read, I think about how me and Ezio met. Claudia introduced us, she was my best friend.

Five years ago

"Claudia, stop trying to introduce me to random men," I tell her. Claudia drags me through Firenze. She rolls her eyes.

"Trust me on this one, (Y/N), you will like him," Claudia tells me. I sigh. She drags me to her home.

"Claudia what are we doing at your house?" I ask her a little concerned. My (E/C) eyes look at the beautiful interior of her home.

I then see a man with his back turned to us. He had dark brown hair that was tied into a ponytail with a red band. He had a white long sleeved shirt with a black vest, he had black pants and black boots on. He was talking with a older man, possibly his father.

Claudia then drags me to them. I then trip and I fall onto the man that I was basically staring at. He holds onto my arms. I look up at him. He was very handsome. His eyes were brown, and he wore a cheeky grin.

I blush bright red, he laughs. I step away from him and I tuck a strand of my (H/L) (H/C) behind my ear. Claudia laughs at my nervousness.

"(Y/N), this is my brother, Ezio," Claudia introduces us, "Ezio this is my friend, (Y/N)," Ezio holds out his hand to me and I take it thinking that he was going to shake it. But instead he brings my hand to his lips and he kisses the knuckles of my hand. I blush more at his gesture.

"Ciao," Ezio greets me. I smile.

"Ciao," I greet him.

End of Flashback

On that day forward me and Ezio grew very close. We would spend more and time together. I smile at the memory. I used to be so nervous around him.

A few tears then fall down my face. I missed him so much. Then I hear a knock at the door. I quickly wipe away the tears away and I put my book down on the table. I get up from my chair, I walk up to the door and I answer it.

Once I open the door, I see a man in white and red robes with a red cape. The man had a hood on and I couldn't really see his face. All I could see was a scar on his lip that was similar to Ezio's. But who am I kidding, this isn't Ezio.

"May I help you?" I ask the man. I see a slight grin on his lips.

"Yes you can," he had a low Italian accent. He sounded like Ezio.

"Owwww!" I hear Lucia yell out. I look over at my daughter. She was holding onto her knee. I quickly run past the man at my door. I run to my daughter and I crouch in front of her.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" I ask her. Her brown eyes have tears coming down from them. She shakes he head. I lift her hands that were on her injured knee. I see some scrapes. I kiss her cheek and I lift her from the ground and I bring her inside our home.

I sit her on the table and I get a clean rag, and I put some water in a bowl. I dip the rag in the water filled bowl and I put the now wet rag on Lucia's injured knee until it is clean. I grab some bandages and I wrap up her knee. At this point she stopped crying. She looks at something. I look in her direction.

I see the man that was outside my door just came inside my home. I look back at Lucia.

"Mammina, who's that?" Lucia asks me. I shake my head.

"I don't know, Lucia," I look back at the man, then back at Lucia, "go play in your room," Lucia jumps off the table and she runs to her room. I look back at the man, "Look I don't know who you are, but you can't just......!" The man takes off his hood and I see his face.

He had dark brown hair that was tied into a ponytail, and brown eyes. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle a gasp. My (E/C) eyes fill with tears. I take my hand off my mouth.

"E-Ezio," I stutter out his name. He comes up to my and his arms wrap around me. He then leans down and he kisses my lips, I kiss him back. My arms wrap around his neck. But then all of a sudden he pulls away. He looks down at me.

"That little girl called you her mother," Ezio says, "Who's her father?" I look up at him.

"Ezio, she's yours," I tell him with no hesitation. Ezio looks shocked for a moment but then he kisses me again, "Would you like to meet her?" Ezio nods, "Wait here," I go into Lucia's room.

She was sitting in her room playing with her doll. I kneel down beside her.

"How does you knee feel?" I ask her. She looks up at me.

"Sore," she tells me. She sniffles a little bit. I kiss her cheek. She hugs me tightly. I then get up and I hold our my hand to her.

"Come, I want you to meet someone," I tell her. She nods and she puts her hand in mine. She holds onto it.

Then we both walk towards Ezio. Lucia looks up at me. Then she starts to hide behind me.

"Don't be afraid," I tell her. Lucia then comes out from behind me. Ezio crouches down to her level, "Lucia, this is Ezio, Ezio this is Lucia," Ezio smiles, "Lucia this is your father," Lucia looks up at me.

"Grandma told me that he is a cheating....." Lucia starts to say but I quickly cover her mouth. But she keeps talking. But it is a series of mufflers. Then she stops talking. Ezio looks at me.

"Let me guess? Your mother still doesn't like me?" Ezio asks me.

"No, she doesn't," I tell him. Lucia grabs Ezio's hand and she drags him to her room.

"Play with me," Lucia tells Ezio. I lean on the door frame and I watch Lucia and Ezio play.

A little while later, Lucia falls asleep. I put her in her bed. Both me and Ezio go to the table in the living room.

"Why were you gone for so long," I finally ask him. Ezio looks at me.

"You want the full truth?" Ezio asks me. I nod my head. Then Ezio tells me what happened to him the past four years.

"So your a Assassin?" I ask him. He nods, "and you were gone so long because of it?" Ezio nods again, "but why no letters? For all I knew you could have been dead!"

"I thought that I was keeping you safe if I distanced myself from you," Ezio tells me. I look into his eyes. A few tears to fall down.

"So, are you going to leave me again?" I ask him. Ezio looks at me and shakes his head.

"No, I'm not going to do that again," Ezio tells me, "come back to Monteriggioni with me," I smile at his offer, "I love you, (Y/N) please come back with me," I nod.

"Si, both me and Lucia will go with you," I say. Ezio smiles and he kisses my lips.

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