Request: Ezio X Cristina (Modern)

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Reqested by xXAmyKittyCatXx.

Cristina sleeps soundly in bed next to Ezio. She sleeps on her side facing away from him. Ezio lies on his back, wide awake, facing the white ceiling.

He had his arms under his head. He took some occasional glances at his sleeping lover next to him. Ezio then takes a look at the digital clock on the nightstand on his side of the bed. It read 2:45 in the morning. Ezio groans and he rolls on his side facing Cristina's back.

Her dark brown hair was flowed down her back in slight waves. The thin straps of her yellow tank top could be seen on her shoulders.

Ezio slid closer to her and he held her in his arms. She stired awake at the sudden contact. She takes in a deep breath and she rolls over facing Ezio.

Cristina finally opens her brown eyes and looks at Ezio. She places a hand on his cheek and pecks his soft lips, "Is there something wrong, Ezio?" Cristina asks her. Her voice made it apparent that she was tierd. Ezio kisses the top of her forehead and smiles.

"Just can't get any sleep," Ezio tells her. Cristina smirks and she nuzzles her nose over his. He caresses her cheek. He pulls her closer to his warm chest.

She closes her eyes again and she nuzzles her head in his chest. Ezio starts to feel sleep set in and he falls asleep with her in his arms.

Cristina wakes up to the sound of the alarm on the digital clock going off. She groans and she looks over at Ezio whom was laying on his stomach clenching his pillow and snoring soundly. But then he stirs awake at the sound of the alarm.

He shut off the alarm which read 8:30am. Cristina sighs and flops back down on the bed. She moves over to Ezio and lays her head on his chest.

"Please tell me we don't have to get up today," Cristina mumbles sleepily. Ezio sighs and rubs her back.

"I wish we could but I have work today," Ezio tells her. Just as Ezio was about to shift to get out of bed Cristina crawls on top of Ezio and wraps her legs around his waist.

"Don't go," Cristina begs him. Ezio chuckles and pulls her in for a kiss. His callused hands move up and her sides. Cristina's arms wrap around his neck. They had to pull away for air. She lays back down on the bed so Ezio could get ready for work. After he gets dressed he kisses her one last time before leaving for work.

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