Shay X Reader

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The fires engulf of my childhood home. I see other homes around me in the same state. Men in orange outfits raid homes looking for something called the 'manuscript'.

All I can think about is helping my family out of their burning home. I run in the streets, trying to reach my parents home.

I get to their home and I brake the door down. What I see horrified me. My mother and father brutally murdered, their blood stains the brown wooden floor. I run to my parents, trying to at least get them out of the house.

I feel the heat from the flames all around me. I start to cough because of the now un-breathable air. I hear the roof of the house start to creek, then some beams fall down in front of me. I jump back and I fall onto the hard wooden floor. The debris covers my parents. I look around and see the flames starting to consume the interior walls of the house.

"I have to get out of here," I say to myself aloud. I start to run out to the front door, but then debris falls down in front of the door. I panic more and more. I start screaming for help.

I start coughing more and more due to the smoke surrounding me. I start to become lightheaded. My vision starts to blurs and I fall to the ground. But then the last thing I see is someone crashing through my window. Then I black out.

Four hours later

I wake up in a soft warm bed. I open my (E/Y) eyes, but my vision is a little hazy. Luckily it clears and I see I'm in a room. It decorated in red and black walls with strange looking crosses. I see a rather large desk next to the bed that I'm in that also is red.

"Whoever decorated this place must like red," I say to myself. I could hear the gentle waves of the sea outside, "Am I on a ship?" I smile at the newly found calmness.

But then I remember my parents. My eyes fill with tears. Who killed them? Why did they die? And what is this manuscript the men in the orange outfits were talking about?

I run my fingers through my (H/C) hair. More and more tears fall down my cheeks. My breathing starts to become more and more labored. Then I hear the door open. I look over at the person with teary eyes.

It was a man that was in the room. He had a red and black military looking uniform. His black hair was tied into a high ponytail. He came closer to me and be knelt down in front of me. I see more of his features. He had a scar above his right eye. He had kind brown eyes, and I have to say it. He was handsome. He then smiles.

"I see your wake now, lass," he says. He had an Irish accent that was all too attractive. I wipe the tears away from my face, I didn't want a total stranger to see me cry, "I'm sorry for your loss," I looked at him confused.

"How do you know..." I start to say.

"I'm the one who saved you," he tells me.

"Thank you....." I start to thank him but I had yet to know his name.

"Shay Patrick Cormac," he says and he holds out his hand, and shake it, "And you are?"

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)," I told him my full name. I smile slightly but then it fades, "Do you know who attacked my home," he nodded.

"Yes they are a gang working with...... some terrible people," he tells me and I raise an eyebrow.

"You're being very vague," I tell him, "Tell me the whole truth, I at least deserve that," he sighs.

"I can't tell you," he tells me. I scoff.

"And why not?" You ask sternly. He doesn't say anything. I shake your head, "Unbelievable," I mumble. I look at him, "You can't or you won't?"

"Maybe a little bit of both," he says. I sigh.

"I need to know, Shay," I tell him, "Please tell me," he sighs and he reluctantly tells you everything.

"So the gang started to attack innocent people, by the order of the Assassins?" I ask. Shay nods, "Then I want to join the Templars,"


There will be a part 2 to this one.

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