Request: Jacob X Reader

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Requested by Adley620

Jacob, Evie and I finally arrive in London. We met a man by the name of Henry Green. But once he mentioned a gang, in London, called The Blighters, Jacob can't stop talking about this new gang he will form. Guess what he is going to call it? The Rooks.

Sure the name needs some work, but I don't dislike the idea. A gang could be beneficial to us, we could cripple Starrick's control on the boroughs. But I don't think Evie is on board with the idea. She thinks that we need to focus on finding the Piece of Eden, that the Templars have found out about.

Yes, we do need to find the Piece of Eden before the Templars. But we also need to get rid of Starrick and his associates.

Anyway, we arrive at Henry Green's shop, after Jacob, Evie and I get rid of the Blighters that we harassing Mr. Green. Once we get to the shop, we see pictures of people on Henry Green's desk. Henry Green looks at all of us.

"Did you give them the slip?" Mr. Green asks us, referring to the Blighters. Jacob grins.

"We gave them more than that," Jacob says, and what he means is that we made the Blighters crash their carriages. I look down at all of the picture on Mr. Green's desk.

"Who are all these people?" I ask Mr. Green. He looks at all of us.

"Over the years I have established a number of connections across the city," Henry Green tells us. Evie smiles.

"Spended! We'll need focused aid," Evie says. Jacob looks at her.

"Focused aid?" Jacob scoffs, "We take over Starrick's gangs, we cripple his control," Evie shakes her head.

"Your not aiming high enough," Evie's tells her younger twin, "Starrick has influence in every branch of society, we need to match him," Jacob grins.

"I see what your saying, Evie. We need The Rooks!" Jacob says. Evie scoff.

"You are not starting a gang called The Rooks!" Evie tells Jacob, her voice sounds stern. Then they start fighting a little. I sigh and I have my back to the desk. Henry pokes my shoulder. I look at him.

"Are they always like this?" Henry asks me. I nod.

"Sometimes," I tell him. Evie turns to me.

"(Y/N), please tell your fiancee that his gang idea is insane!" Evie tells me. I look at her.

"Honestly, I think a gang could be beneficial to all of us," I tell Evie, she scoffs, "think about it Evie, if we have a gang then we cripple Starrick's control on the boroughs, and the citizens would be free of them. You could find the Piece of Eden easier, without The Blighters our jobs could be a whole lot easier," Evie sighs in surrender.

"Fine," she says. Jacob looks at me. He kisses my forehead.

"Thank you, love," Jacob thanks me. I smile. Then Henry Green tells us about some of his associates. Evie looks at us.

"I'll stay here and do some research on the Piece of Eden, you two go and start your gang," Evie tells us. After a little bit of walking I look at Jacob.

"So, who should we go to first?" I ask him, "Frederick Abberline, or Clara O'Dea?" Mr. Abberline is apparently a 'master' at disguise. Clara O'Dea overseas a network of street urchins around London.

"Lets go see Frederick Abberline first," Jacob says. I nod and I start heading to were Mr. Abberline is supposed to be. But then Jacob grabs my arm, stopping me. I look up at him, "Why did you agree with me on my gang idea?" I raise a eyebrow at him.

"Like I said, it would be beneficial to us," I tell him.

"That can't be the only reason," Jacob says. I smirk.

"If I didn't then you would have just done it anyway, am I not wrong?" I tell him. Jacob scoffs.

"Your probably right," Jacob says and he wraps am arm around my waist. Then we set of to start up Jacob's newly forming gang, The Rooks.

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