Request: Edward X Oc Megan

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Requested by MrsKenway25.

Image: Megan's twin brother, Luke, knows that Megan really like Edward but she is too shy to tell Edward. So Luke being the 'best brother ever', he is going to creat an akward situation in hopes of Megan and Edward confessing to eachother.

Nassau, Bahamas

"Come on Luke, I need a drink!" Megan tells her bookworm of a brother. Luke rolls his green eyes.

"You always need one," Luke complains. Megan rolls her green eyes and flips her black hair.

"Oh, whats so wrong with that, dearest brother?" Megan bats her eyes in an innocent fashion. Luke chuckles.

"Everything, sister dear," Luke chuckles out. Megan rolls her eyes, "Besides you can't get a drink right now," Megan pouts.

"And why not?" Megan asks with some sass in her voice. Luke looks at her abd rolls his eyes.

"Because Ah Tabai has a mission for us," Luke tells her. Megan groans in annoyance.

"Can we just hold it off for the day?!" Megan begs. Luke scoffs.

"No!" Luke laughs out, "When our mentor tells us to do something we're doing it," Megan chuckles.

"You sound just like father," Megan tells her brother.

"And he would want us it listen," Luke reminds his rebel of a sister yet again. Megan raises an eyebrow at her brother.

"And we are not Ah Tabai's puppets," Megan tells him. Luke sighs and pintches the bridge of his nose. But then he smirks.

"You know I forgot to tell you.....Edward is joining us as well," Luke knew that Megan liked Edward. It was the truth in some sense. Even though Edward wasn't a Assassin, he would still helped the Assassins...only if he got something in return.

"R-Really?" Megan asks. Luke nods. Megan shrugs, "Okay I'll come," Megan and Luke walk to the Tavern where Edward was waiting for them.

Edward sat at one of the tables with a pint of rum in a hand. He drinks it and when he puts it down he sees the twins. He jumps slightly in his seat.

"Jaysus! You two," Edward exclaims, "Don't sneak up on people like that!" Luke and Megan laugh. Megan nervously picks at her sleeves.

"You alright there, lass?" Edward asks her. Megan looks at him and nods her head.

"P-Perfectly fine t-thank you," Megan studders out. She was obviously nervous around him. Edward found kind of cute. He liked her spirit, that is what he moistly loved about her. But he could never admit it to her.

But little did they know, Luke had a plan to get them together finally. Just to say, there is no mission. Luke made the whole thing up. Ah Tabai never had a mission planed for them.

"So, what is it you we have to do?" Edward asks Luke. Luke smirks, he has been already thinking of an answer to thst question before hand.

"Well, we are to find some documents," Luke tells Edward. Megan raises an eyebrow at her brother.

"And...what kind of documents?" Megan asks him. Luke rolls his eyes.

"Documents that tell us where there are Templar hideouts," Luke tells her.

"And uh, where are we going?" Megan asks hik yet another question.

"Oh, my dear sister we are staying here in Nassau," Luke tells her. Megan smiles, "Now....while you two destract the guards, I will be getting the documents,"

"Sounds good," Edward says. Megan stands and holds her arms out.

"Then shall we?" Megan asks and she takes a sip of Edward's rum. Edward chuckles.

"Let's," Edward smirks up at her. Megan walks off and Edward follows behind. Luke smirks at the two. Then Luke pretends to sigh in frustration. Megan looks at her brother.

"What is it?" Megan asks him.

"Oh, I forgot my hidden blade," Luke tells her. Megan shrugs.

"So, you won't need it," Megan tells Luke, "Besides, you have your sword," Luke rolls his eyes.

"What if I want to take down guards silently?" Luke points out. Megan nods.

"Good point....I guess," Megan says. Luke smiles.

"I will meet you halfway there," Luke says and he runs off. Once Luke wa far enough away, Megan scoffs.

"Huh, that's weird, Luke has never forgotten anything in his life," Megan says to Edward.

Edward laughs and he and Megan start to walk. Luca keeps his distance from them and he hides in tall thick grass where his trap is set.

Edward and Megan walk side by side. As they get closer to Luke's trap, Luke snickers slightly. Right when they were abover the trap, Luke pulls on the string and both Edward and Megan fall down.

Megan lands on Edward's chest and Edward groans, "What the...?" Edward and Megan groan out in unison.

Megan looks down at Edward and blushes, "I-I'm sorry," Megan studders. Edward laughs.

"Thats cute," Edward refers to her stuttering. Megan blushes more.

"You think, when I studder, it's cute?" Megan asks him shocked.

"Of course," Edward tells her. At this point Megan was as red as a tomato. Edward leans in and he kisses her lips. Megan kisses him back. Edward puts his hands on her hips and Megan cups his cheeks.

Luke laughs slight, "I can't believe I did it," Luke whispers. He tries to sneak out of the bush but the leaves make a loud rustling noise.

Megan and Edward break away. Megan gets off Edward, "Who's there!" Edward calls out.

"Damn," Luke says.

"Luke is that you?" Megan asks. Luke comes out of the bush. Megan sighs, "Why were you hiding in a bush?" Luke chuckles nervously.

"Well that is a funny story," Luke chuckles more. Megan chuckles.

"Tell me now!" Megan tells him sternly. Luke looks around and he makes a run for it. Megan dashes after him and Edward follows.

"You come back here," Megan yells at him. Luke chuckles.

"I'd rather not!"

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