Request: Edward X Pirate Reader

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This one was requested by MrsKenway25

The Jackdaw landed on a small island somewhere in the West Indies. I stand beside Captain Edward Kenway, captain of the Jackdaw.

I knew him for a couple of years now. Ever since I first met him back at Nassau we became very good friends. When I started to spend time with him, I did develop a small crush on him. But I got over it quick when he told me he had a wife after about two months after I met him. But for the past three months, he hasn't been himself.

"So Captain Kenway, do care to explore that jungle?" I ask him smirking. Edward only shrugs, and he doesn't look at me. I look at him with concern, "Edward are you okay?" He only shrugs again.

"Nothing is wrong," he denies it, "come let's explore that jungle," I shake my head.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," I persist him, "you haven't been yourself," I look at him with my (E/C) eyes filling with concern for him.

"Nothing is wrong!" He yells at me. I roll my eyes.

"I know something is wrong," I continue to persist him.

"My wife died!" He says through gritted teeth. He blue eyes then start to fill with sadness. I put my hand on his shoulder

"I'm so sorry, Edward, I-I don't know what to say," I say.

"There's nothing to say, she's dead and there is nothing I can do to change that!" Edward says. My heart drops when I hear that. I hate seeing him like this. Edward then pulls out a map from his pocket, he unfolds it, "now I think there is some treasure on this particular Island," he says, acting like our conversation never happened. I slightly nod.

Edward puts the map back in his pocket. Then he starts to walk off the ship. He turns around and he looks at me.

"Aren't you coming or not?" He asks me. I sigh and I follow him off the ship. Edward waits for me on the beach. Once I walked up next to him we started to walk into the jungle.

The jungle is very dense, easy to get lost in. Edward starts to walk a little faster. I try to keep up with him, but eventually he is gone from my field of vision. I look around for him panicked. I start to move forward from where I stood.

"Edward!" I call out for him. I keep calling his name. But then I hear growing from behind me. I slowly look behind me, and I see a Black Panther. It growls at me and I pounces on me. I scream as loudly as I could. I push on it so it would get off me. But all efforts of trying were all in vain.

It's teeth come close to my flesh. I scream out more. My (E/C) eyes fill with tears. I push it away from me. I quickly get up, and I grab my sword. The panther growls at me again. I point my sword at it, watching its every move. The panther circles around me. Then it pounces on me again but this time my sword goes through the panther's chest, killing it instantly. I fall to the ground with the dead heavy panther on top of me.

I try to push it off but it was too heavy. Then about a few seconds later, I feel it being lifted off of me. I look up and I see Edward lifting the panther off of me. I get up from the ground, and Edward puts down the panther on the ground. Edward pulls my sword out of the panther's chest, and he hands my sword back to me. Edward puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Edward asks me. I nod.

"Yes, I'm fine," I tell him. He smiles down at me, but then it fades.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here sooner," he says, feeling guilty, "if anything ever happened to you, I don't........." before he finished his sentence I quickly pecked his lips. Edward looks at me stunned for a moment. But then he returns the kiss. It was gentle and sweet. His sent of rum and salt water fill my nostrils.

Edward then pulls away from me, and he kisses my forehead. I take his hand. The palms of his hands felt rough compared to my soft hands. Edward looks at me and he pecks my lips once more. He grabs the map out of his pocket and he looks at it.

Then he puts it back in his pocket. He looks at me and he smiles.

"Come, we still have that treasure to find," Edward tells me. I smile, he takes my hand and we continue on until we find that treasure.

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