Halloween Special (All Assassins/Templars)

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I sit on the couch with Ezio and Desmond playing video games. Altaïr and Connor were playing chess. Shay and Haytham were drinking tea or whatever. Jacob and Evie were arguing in the other room as usual. Edward was making a model of a ship. And I'm pretty sure that Arno and Élise were making out in one of the other rooms.

Yep, I live with all of these guys. We all met in college and we thought 'hey, lets all get a place together'.

Our large house was decorated with Halloween decorations. Fake spiderwebs were on the railings of the staircase, skeletons on the doors, lets just say we went all out. I can't wait and see what Thanksgiving and Christmas will look like in this house.

Ezio, Desmond and I were playing Call of Duty Black ops 3. Since Desmond is very good at playing this game, of course he won our match on multiplayer.

"Bastardo!" Ezio exclaims at Desmond. Desmond laughs at Ezio's fustration. Ezio was so close to finally beating Desmond in Call of Duty. Only one more point away. I sigh.

"Ezio, you were so, SO, close," I tell him. Ezio looks at me.

"Yeah," That was all Ezio said. Desmond laughs nervously.

"Ezio, come on, it's just a game," Desmond tells him. Ezio chuckles.

"Next time I will beat you at that game," Ezio declares. Just then the Frye twins come.

"No that is just a urban legend!" Evie yells at her brother. I sigh, there fighting happens a lot.

"What's an urban legend?" I hear Arno ask Evie. I look behind me and I see Arno and Élise coming towards us. Élise sits next to me on the couch. Jacob chuckles.

"Oh, so you don't know?" Jacob asks Arno.

"I don't think any of us know what you are talking about," Shay tells Jacob.

"Well, let me just tell you this; it's nonsense," Evie tells Shay.

"I kind of want to hear it," Edward says while looking away from his un finished model ship.

"Are you sure?" Jacob asks, "It's the stuff of nightmares," Haytham rolls his eyes.

"Just tell us," Haytham tells Jacob. Jacob puts his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell all of you," Jacob says, "This happened about 200 years ago, in this very house to be exact,"

"Can I ask, how you know this?" I ask him. Jacob smirks.

"Why, I'm glad you asked," Jacob tells me, "I did some research at the library," Élise scoffs.

"Wow! Jacob Frye actually did some research!" Élise acts like she is shocked. Evie scoffs.

"It's not even descent research, just some stupid story he found online," Evie tells Élise.

"Hey, never know, could be true," Desmond tells Evie. Edward smirks.

"Give the man some credit," Edward tells Evie. Jacob smirks at his twin sister.

"Yes Evie, give me a little credit," Jacob mocks Evie and she rolls her eyes, "Now, about 200 years ago is this very house. There was a man, his wife and their three children. The man was called Michael Foster and he was known to be a little aggressive when he would drink. One night the Mr Foster and his wife were arguing over his drinking problem....."

"Okay, I pretty sure this story is a whole lot of shite," Shay tells Jacob. I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah this is pretty far fetched," I tell Jacob. Jacob face palms himself and groans in annoyance.

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