Haytham X Reader (Modern)

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"Come on (Y/N), just one more kiss," Haytham whispers in my ear. We lay in bed, and he is griping my waist. I turn my face away.

"No Haytham, you know that I have classes today, remember I go to college, big exam today, ring any bells," I say to him. Haytham groans.

"It's just one kiss!" Haytham whines. I scoff. My (E/C) eyes look at him. I try to punch on his bare chest.

"Yes, but it I kiss you it's just going to lead to a make out session, and then to other stuff, then I am going to be late for my Vet Science class, and then I will be kicked out of the class, and then I will fail the class and I will have to repeat it next year," I explain to him. Haytham sighs and he lets me go.

But then he pecks my lips when he comes around the bed. Haytham grins.

"See it didn't turn into a make out session," Haytham says.

"Well that's because I got you out of the mood," I say as a matter factly. Haytham chuckles and tucks a strand of my (H/L) (H/C) hair behind my ear. I grab his hand and I kiss his palm. Haytham walks out of the room in nothing but his sweat pants. I whistle. Haytham looks at me and rolls his eyes.

I get up from the bed and I put on a (F/C) blue long sleeve shirt, blue pants, and I put on my favorite cowgirl boots. I walk out of our room and I see Haytham reading the news paper while eating a bowl of cereal. I grab an granola bar and I turn on the t.v. and listen to the forecast.

"Due to the terrible snow storm from yesterday, all schools and colleges will be cancelled," I turn of the t.v. and drop the remote on the couch.

Haytham walk up behind me and he whispers in my ear

"Since you don't have to go to your classes today maybe we can have that make out session you were talking to me about," he whispers lovingly in my ear. I turn around and I cup his face and start kissing him.

He breaks the kiss to come around the couch and sit down, and he starts kissing me more. He pins me down on the couch and starts trailing kisses across my jawline.

He flips me over, to where I am on top of him. He holds onto my waist, and my legs wrap around his waist. I start kissing his neck. He groans and a smile reaches my lips.

Then Haytham's phone rings. He groans and I get off him so he can answer his phone. He answers it.



"Yes, I'll be there in a little bit," Haytham hangs up the phone. I look at him.

"Who was it?" I ask him. Haytham sighs.

"I have to go to the office," Haytham says.

"Why? I thought it was your day off," I say. Haytham looks at me.

"Well I thought so too, but someone got sick and now I have to go into work," Haytham says. I get up from the couch and hug him.

"I'm sorry that you have to be at work all day, while I'm here just sitting around board with no one to talk to," I say sadly.

"Well I won't be there all day, just for a few hours, then they will have someone else take over for me," Haytham says. I smile.

"Just for a few hours?" I ask just to be sure. Haytham nods. I peck his lips, and he goes into our room and he gets changes into his work clothes. Which is a nice white shirt, black pants and some black shoes. I hand him his coat and I kiss him goodbye.

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