Haytham X Templar Reader

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I have now been a member of the Templar Order for three months now. In the past I helped the Templar Order many times than they could count.

Before I even knew about the Order, I was a thief and I don't want to brag, I was pretty good at what I did. I came across the Grandmaster and I foolishly thought he was a easy target.


I walk around Boston on the hunt to determine who would be my next victim of my thieving skills. After a minute or two I see a man in a silly looking hat.

He looked like he was a rich man, from how nice his clothes were. He kind of looks like a military general. He was wearing a coat that kind of looks like a cape and he is wearing military looking attire. He even had a coin pouch on his belt.

I grin and I walk up to him without him noticing. Once I get close enough, I 'accidentally' bump into him and I steal his coin pouch and something from his pockets without him noticing.

"Sorry," I innocently apologized. I smile, "I wasn't watching were I was going," I look at him. He was actually quite handsome. He had light brown hair, and grey eyes, and he had thin lips, he smiles.

"It's alright miss," he says. I smile and I walk away normally. Once I get far enough away from him. I pull out the coin pouch. I chuckle and I smile. I look in my hand and I see a strange looking necklace, that was a green flat circle with a leather strap tied to it.

I put the necklace around my neck and I go into a ally way and I start to jog through it. My (H/L) (H/C) hair flows behind me.

I reach an intersection and I turn right an the next thing that I know, I'm thrown up against a wall. Then I feel a arm up against my throat. I panic a little.

I look up and I see the man that I stole the coin pouch from. He glares at me. My (E/C) eyes fill with panic. I have to think of something!

"Please don't hurt me! I have done nothing wrong!" I beg him.

"You know what you did, you stole something that is mine!" He spats at me. I shake my head.

"I don't know what your talking about!" I cry out. He chuckles.

"Then what's this?" He grabs the necklace that was across my neck, "and my money pouch," he demands. Knowing that I was busted I reluctantly give him the pouch.

His hold on my neck releases, I try to run away him, but he grabs my wrist. I stop and I look at him. His grey eyes meet my (E/C) eyes. He frowns when he looks at me.

"I normally wouldn't go through all this trouble for a money pouch, but you stole something that is important to me," he says. I scoff.

"What can be so important about that ugly necklace?" I ask while rolling my eyes. He rolls his own eyes.

"Quite frankly, I don't think that's any of your business," he says bitterly. I frown, and I snatch the necklace out of his hand. I grin.

"Then I guess your not getting the necklace back!" I chuckle and I run away from him, he cursed and he chases after me. I climb up the buildings with ease. I start running on top of the buildings, but jumping into buildings is a challenge.

Every time I try to, I nearly slip and fall. The next building I jump onto I fall and I land in a pile of hay. I get out of it and I run through the streets, until I feel someone grab my arm.

I look behind and I see the man again. He gives me a stern look.

"Give me back the necklace," he says being very impatient.

"Not until you tell me why it's important to you, and I want the truth," I demand. He sighs.

"It opens something of great importance," he says. I place the necklace in his palm. I smirk.

"Now was that so hard?" I say grinning. The man rolls his eyes.

"What's your name, girl," he asks. I look at him.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)," I say. He looks at me.

"How old are you?" He asks me.

"25," I tell him. He nods. He holds out his hand.

"Haytham Kenway," he says his name. I take his hand and I shake it. He looks at me, "I think you could use your skills will be useful to the Order," I look at him confused.

"Wait, what Order!?" I ask. Haytham looks at me.

"Come," he tells me.

Flashback End:

Well that's how I met Haytham Kenway, the Templar Grandmaster. Sometimes I catch him starring at me in the taverns.

In the tavern that we all are staying at the boys are having fun, drinking to their hearts content. I start to feel a little drowsy.

"Alright boys, I have to retire for the night," I say to them. Thomas Hicky looks at me, and he is very drunk, like always.

"Oh, come on, have one more pint with us!" Thomas slurs. I smile.

"Sorry," I say acting like I feel bad, "but a girl needs her sleep," Haytham looks at everyone at our table.

"I think I'll retire for the night too," Haytham says. I walk up the stairs to my room. But then I feel someone push me up against the wall.

I look at the person, and I see Haytham looking down at me. His grey eyes meet my (E/C) eyes.

"You are very beautiful," he says. I sigh, and I push on his chest.

"Your drunk, Haytham," I say sadly. He smirks.

"Well, that's just it, I'm not at all," he says, "in fact I only had one pint," my breathing becomes hitched.

He leans down and he kisses my lips gently. My arms wrap around his neck, and his hands grip my waist. He pulls me closer to him. I could taste some of the liquor on his lips but it wasn't overwhelming. He slowly pulls away and he looks at me. He caresses my cheek.

"You should get some rest," he says. He walks away and he goes into his room. I stand against the wall, breathless. I move my hand to my lips, not believing what just happened. I smile widely, and I head to my room.

I lay in my bed, and fall into a deep sleep. I have sweet dreams that night, not the nightmares that I usually have.

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