Alexios X Reader

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431 B.C.E

Alexios: how can I describe him in three words? Great in bed. Oh, yes. He is, he really is. But on an all serious note, I would describe Alexios of Sparta as caring and drachmae hungry. He is a misthios (mercenary) after all. Pater says that I should stay away from him. Why should I? Alexios is the only decent man on this fucking island. Plus, the man is good to me. What would I give that up? There was no fucking way that I wasn't. 

I wake up that morning in Alexios' home. I see my dress discarded by the bed and I bite my lower lip and I giggle as the memories from last night came flooding back. Every time Alexios and I made love, it was like my first time with him all over again. If father knew what I was doing with Alexios then I would never be able to leave the house without my father or one of my brothers accompanying me wherever I go. I scoff at the thought and I notice that Alexios wasn't in bed with me. I sigh and I get out of bed and I put my dress back on. Suddenly, a wave of nausea came over me. I instinctively place my hand on my stomach and I sit back down on the bed. 

  "I hope I'm not getting sick..." I mumble. I breathe in and out and soon the nausea went away. I run my fingers through my tangled (h/c) hair to try to make myself look decent. I walk out of the little house and I look around for Alexios. I then see him sitting on top of the house with his legs dangling off the edge. He was shaded by the canopy that was over his home. It was particularly hot this morning so I understand why he was sitting there. The heat must be the reason why I felt a little nauseous.  

I climb up the house and I hear him humming a song as he was holding the actual spear that King Leonidas used in the Battle of Thermopylae. The weapon was broken but still amazing. He says his mater gave him the broken spear when he was a child. His mother was the daughter of Leonidas and the spear was given to her after he died. 

I smile and I place a hand on his shoulder. He stops humming and he looks up at me, "Continue humming, the tune sounds pretty." I tell him and I sit beside him. Alexios wraps an arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder. He continues humming that song until we heard someone calls out for him.

"Hey, shit-face! Get down here!" Both Alexios and I knew exactly who that was. He was one of the Cyclops' men. I grip onto Alexios' arm tightly. He then pats my hand, telling me that everything will be fine. I reluctantly let him go ans he gets up and walks to the other side of the roof and I follow him to see what would happen, "Cyclops's got a message for you!" The bearded man says.

Alexios then jumps down from the roof and he steps closer to the Cyclops' men with a glare on his face, "Tell your boss he can stick it-" the man without a beard then punches Alexios right on the nose.

"Oh no." I whisper and sigh since I knew he was going to get into another fight.

"That's for last week!" The bearded man shouts. Alexios then spits out some blood and he clenches his fists.

"Maláka!" Alexios shouts. They all then ready their weapons. I sigh once again and I get off the roof to get a clay bowl plus a rag and go to a near by puddle and get some water from there to clean off the blood from Alexios' nose. As well as clean any other injury he may get during the fight. When I return, I see Alexios standing over their unconscious bodies.

"Last week?" He scoffs, "This shit happens every week." I sigh and I grab his hand and make him sit down on the ground. I then sit n his lap. I then dip the rag into the bowl of water. He sighs and he looks at me, "I can't keep doing this." I then wipe the blood off his nose.

"I know, my love." I sigh and I run my other hand through his matted hair. I then hear the screeching of Alexios' eagle, Ikaros. He looks up at the eagle and scoffs.

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