Haytham X Assassin Reader

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I perch myself on a tree, making sure that I was high up enough that no one below the ground could see. The winter breeze nips my face. My (H/L) (H/C) blows through the wind.

I have been assigned to kill the Templar Grandmaster, Haytham Kenway. Me the only assassin left in the Colonies, after Shay Cormac killed the others. Before they all died I was still a novice. I joined the Brotherhood the same year that Hope died.

Achilles sent me to kill Haytham, even though that I am still learning how to fight. But what choice did he have. The Templar's haven't found out about my existence. But until today that is, until I kill Haytham, they will know that there is another assassin. Me at the young age of 23, might die today.

I finally see the Grand Master riding on his horse foolishly alone. I grin a little. How stupid is he to ride alone? You never know what could get you.

I check to see if my hidden blade is working, and obviously it does. I put on my hood. Once he gets close enough, I jump from the tree. But before I could pierce him with my blade, he quickly gets off his horse, and he falls to the ground. I land with a hard thud.

I groan in pain. Haytham laughs.

"You really, didn't think that I didn't see you up in those trees?" Haytham says harshly. I say on the ground, in too much pain to get up. I see my sword on the ground, I try to reach for it, but Haytham kicks it out of my reach.

He flips me over off my stomach. My hood comes off my head, revealing my (H/C) hair and my (E/C) eyes. He looks at me, no he stairs at me. In too much pain to get up and run away, I just lie there. I start to cough up something that taste like a metallic substance. I move my hand to my mouth and when I bring my hand back to my field of vision, I see that my hand has some blood on it. Oh God, I think I may have broken some ribs. I cough up some more.

My vision starts to blur a little. I try to get up, then I do  and I try to run but I fall to the ground. But this time I am caught by someone. I look up and I see Haytham with a horrified look on his face. I feel tears in my eyes.

"A-Am I g-going to d-die," I stammer. Haytham looks at me.

"No, your not, not today," he says. He picks me up bridle style, and he puts me on the horse. I feel him get up behind me. He probably felt pity for me because of how young I looked, "Stay with me,"

That was the last thing I heard before my vision became black.

I wake up on a soft bed. The room was brightened by the morning sun. The walls were wooden, and the room had red curtains. How did I get here?

I try to get up but I feel a sharp pain in my ribs. I lie back down. Then I start to feel anger rise in me. Why did Achilles send me on that death mission? When he probably knew I wouldn't succeed. Liam and Hope were two of his best assassin's and they couldn't kill Shay Cormac. What made him think that myself a novice could be able to kill a Templar Grandmaster.

I start to cry a little, I muffle my crying with a pillow.

"Why me?" I ask myself. I see a vase of flowers next to the nightstand. They were red roses. They are very beautiful. I get up despite the pain in my ribs, I smell the roses, they even smell beautiful. I touch the delicate pedals. Who could have left them here?

Then I hear the door open and I see Haytham there. I stair at him nervously. He trays to come closer to me. But I back away, not trusting him.

"That's close enough!" I say and he stops and grins.

"If I was going to hurt you I would have done it by now," Haytham says calmly. I contemplate it.

"I know, but I'm not taking any chances," I say still not trusting him. Haytham shakes his head. He moves closer to me and he grips my shoulders. I flinch at the sudden contact. I look at him with fear in my eyes.

He sighs and he lets me go. I look at him. He was not bad looking, for a Templar. His light brown hair was tied into a pony tail with a red ribbon, and he had kind grey eyes. He looked like he was in his early 30's or late 20's.

I relax a bit, and I put a hand on his shoulder, and I smile weakly. My (E/C) eyes stair into his grey ones. He brings up his hand and he caresses my cheek. I strangely don't flinch, I let him do it.

He brings my face down and my lips meet his, his lips move in sync with mine. His hands move down to my hips, he was careful not to touch my ribs. My arms wrap around his neck. Then I cup his face deepening the kiss. Haytham starts kissing my neck. Then he meets my eyes.

"Funny, you know my name but I don't know yours," Haytham says. I smile a little

"Its (Y/ N), (Y/ N) (L/N)," I say and I kiss him once more.

Funny how two enemy's fall for each other.

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