Jacob X Assassin Reader

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I stand in front of my book shelf in my train cart in the Train Hideout. My (E/C) eyes scan the books on the shelf. I take off my hood revealing my (H/C) that is in a side braid.
I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around and I see my friend, Evie. I smile.

"What is it Evie?" I ask her, she looks at me and sighs, "Okay, what did Jacob do this time?" I ask because knowing Jacob, he did something stupid. Evie looks at me.

"When Jacob assassinated Dr. Elliotson, it caused the distribution of false medicine, in return is causing many people to get sick," Evie says. I look at her shocked.

"Jacob, you very much so screwed up," I mumble, "I'll talk to Jacob," I say to her.

"At least I corrected his mistake by making sure the proper medical supplies was being delivered to the hospital," Evie says. I nod. Evie walks away. I sigh and I continue to look for a book, since I know Jacob isn't on the train yet.

I look for five more minutes until I feel someone grab my waist, and spinning around. Jacob faces me and I glare at him. He looks confused.

"What did I do, love?" Jacob asks me. I sigh.

"Jacob, Evie told me what you done," I say sadly. I look down, not wanting to meet his gaze. He caresses my cheek.

"What is it that I done this time?" He asks. I look back up at him.

"After you killed Elliotson, false medicine was being sold on the market. Jacob rolls his eyes.

"Elliotson was already helping make medicine, that was basically turning people into vegetables," Jacob explains, "he needed to die," Jacob looks away from me.

"And Evie had to make sure the proper medicine was delivered to the hospital," I say, "she shouldn't have to correct your mistakes!" Jacob looks at me frustrated.

"So your on her side, are you?!" Jacob starts to raise his voice to me, "it wasn't a mistake to kill Elliotson," I look away from him and I stay silent. Then I look up at him.

"Your right, he did need to die," I say, not wanting to start a fight, "but next time a little more discretion," I say grinning. Jacob looks at me and scoffs slightly.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and I peck his lips. I let go of him, and I walk out of my cart. I turn around, and I give Jacob a smirk.

"Shall we kill some Blighters?" I ask. Jacob grins. We wait until the train stops at a train station, and we go to a Blighter Stronghold.

Once we arrive at one in Southwark, I turn to Jacob.

"I'll go and burn their heist plans, you go and start and eliminating the Blighters, I'll join you as soon as I burn the plans," I tell him. Jacob nods and we split up

I search the buildings for the building, and killing some of the lookouts in the process. I finally find the plans and I burn them in the fireplace. I go on top of the roofs and I find some Blighters with rifles.

I go up to them and I assassinate them one by one, with my hidden blade. In my studies, I learned that the original design of the hidden blade required you to give up something, your ring finger. I am so glad that assassin's now have the advanced version of it.

I find a pile of hay and I do a leap of faith into it. I saw a Blighter next to it and I assassinate him. I get out of the hay and I see Jacob killing the leader of the Stronghold. He runs up to me.

"Nice of you to join," he smirks. I punch his arm.

"Hey I have been killing the Blighters too!" I defend myself. Then we hear a Blighter whistle for others to come. The next thing I know we are surrounded by them.

One of the a temps to attack me but I kill him before he could kill me. The Blighters start charging at us, but we killed them all with ease.

Before we knew it the Stronghold now belonged to the Rooks. Jacob hand a Rook Watcher a touch, the Rook gladly takes the touch and he burns the Blighter flag.

We leave the Stronghold and we go back to the train. Were Evie is probably waiting for us.

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