Ezio X Reader

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Fire. The hot and suffocating smoke and ask suround me. The orange and red flames engulf my family home in their unwelcoming touch.

The bodies of my mother and my little brother and sister, whom were twins, lay still covered in their own blood. I sit with my arms bounded to thick rope tied around a wooden post.

I struggle to get out of the boundings. The tears come down my face as I am forced to look at the bodies of my family.

They did it! The Borgia! I start to coke on the un clean air around me. The smoke and ash envade my lungs. It starts be become unbearable to breath at all.

"Help!" I hoarsely cry out. More and more tears shead down my cheeks. My vision starts to blur and I see dark spot clouding my vision, "Help!" I hoarsely cry out again.

I hack out some coughs and I gasp for air again and cough some more. I look up at the collapsing ceiling of my once lovly home. Then I see the cross that was hung on the wall. I start to say the Lord's Prayer. Hopeing that he is listening to my prayers.

My vision darkens more and more. My breathing becomes less labored and my eyeslids start to feel heavy. I try to keep my eyes open as long as I can. But I can't.

The last thing I see before my vision darkens completely is a male figure adorned in white robes.

Ezio's POV
I ride my horse outside Monteriggioni. I couldn't sleep this night. The country side looked somewhat relaxing.

But then I start to smell a hint of smoke in the air, "Probably just my imagination," I mumble to myself. As I ride the smell of the smoke gets stronger and stronger.

That is when I see a organge glow in the distance. I ride towards the glow; as I ride closer and closer I see a small house that was engulfed in flames.

My eyes widen and I snap the rains on my horse and push my horse into a gallop. Once I was close to the buring house I stop the horse and I quickly climb off it.

I run towards the house. I try and look throught the windows to see if there are any signs of life but the heat of the flames was unbearable and I take a step away.

"Help!" I hear a woman in the house cry out for help. I quickly try and look for a window that wasnt engulfed in flames. I finally find one and I cover myself with my shoulder cape and I jump through the window.

I land on the ground. Ash and smoke suround me. I let out a cough and I look for the woman. On the ground I see a woman and two young children no older than ten lay dead on the ground covered in their own blood. I look around and I see a young woman tied to a wooden post.

She was still. Her eyes were closed and ash and soot covered her face. I quickly grab one of my throwing knives and I cut away at the rope arounder her wrists.

Her body fall limp on the floor and I carry her limp body bridle style I walk quickly to the window I came through but a beam falls down. Blocking the escape route.

"Merda (Shit)," I mumble. I hastily look for another escape. The front door was the only thing not yet engulfed in flames. I let out a huff of air and I run towards the door with the girl in my arms. I bash open the door and I take in a huge gulp of fresh air and I let out some more coughs.

I carry the girl away from the house and I lay her flat on the ground on her back. I check her wrist for a pulse and lucky she had one.

But then I heared her coughing and gasping for air.

(Y/N)'s POV
I wake up gasping for air. I cough out anything that was in my lungs. I roll on my side still coughing and I feel the cool grass against my hot skin. I roll back on my back and I see the man in the white robes.

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