Request: Connor X Reader

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Requested by FadedJustice.

Image: It's the anniversary of Ziio's death.

Warning: Smut

November, 2, 1780

Since I have known Connor, every year on the same day, he gets suddenly depressed. I would always ask him what was wrong. But he would just push me away and just never tell me. Sometimes he would go out and never come home until the next day. I was very worried about him and today was another one of those depressed days.

I loved Connor and I just wanted to make sure if he was fine. But he would never give me the chance to comfort him on this day. If only he would just open up to me.

Well, anyway, I wake up to a sniffling noise. It sounded like it was coming from inside my roon that I sharred with Connor. I look over my shoulder and I see Connor's shoulders shaking slightly. I turn over and I wrap my arms around his torso from behind.

Connor flinches at the sudden contact but he soon relaxes. I kiss his shoulder, "Why are you crying?" I ask him with sleep and concern in my voice.

"N-Nothing, just a bad dream," Connor says without glancing at me. I knew he was lying but I didn't want to start a fight with him.

"Want to tell me about it?" I ask him and I place another kiss on his shoulder. Connor sniffles and he finally takes a glance at me and shakes his head.

"No," He says, "Really, its nothing, just go back to sleep," I knew something was wrong. He sounded so upset. I wish there was something I could do to make him happy.

"Connor.....p-please don't shut me out, tell me whats wrong," I plead with him. He tenses slightly and he turns around to look at me. I place a hand on his cheek.

"I really don't want to talk about it," Connor tells me. I caress his cheek.

"Please tell me, I want to help," I persist. Connor closes his eyes in annoyance.

"I don't want to talk about it," he sternly tells me. I sigh and I remove my hand from his cheek. I kiss his nose and I peck his lips.

But he shows no emotion whatsoever. He just has this blank stare, "Please tell me, Ratonhnhaké:ton," I say his birth name and he just breaks down. The tears come pouring down his face. I caress his cheek and he hugs me and he cries on my shoulder.

"My mother died 20 years ago on this day," Connor finally tells me. I look at him and I hug him tighter. I kiss his forehead.

"Connor, I-I'm so sorry," I tell him. Connor looks up at me and he lies his head on my chest.

"I watched her burn alive," Connor tells me more. A few tears come down my face, "I will never forget her face as she sent me away," Connor looks up at me and he kisses away the tears on my face, "Don't cry for me," he smiles slightly.

I smile and I kiss his lips again. I cup his cheeks. The kiss was slow at first but then Connor started to kiss back harder. I roll my head back as if on instinct. Connor then starts to pepper my neck with kisses. I stifle a moan and he starts to grind his hips against mine.

"Connor," I moan out his name. But then I bit my lip and I put my hand on his chest to stop him. Connor looked at me confused, "Are you sure you want to do this?...I mean you''re in mourning," Connor kisses my lips and smiles slightly.

"I'm sure," Connor tells me. He leans down and he kisses my lips again and he grips my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck.

He continues to grind his hips against mine. I wrap my legs around his waist ane I buck my hips forward.

Connor kissed my neck again. He finds my sweetspot and I moan louder. He starts to suck on the skin. His cold hands travel up my warm legs.

A shiver comes down my spine and goosebumps start to form on my skin. He lifts up my nightgown, exposing my stomach.

He kisses my stomach and he kisses just under my left breast. I moan out his name. I grip his dark locks of hair and I start pull and tug on his hair. He groans and he lifts my nightgown over my head.

This was our first time doing this and I was a little self conscious about my body. I cover my chest with my arms. But Connor opens then up.

"Don't worry, you are beautiful," Connor tells me and I blush. Connor then smothers my neck with kisses and I moan loudly. I could feel the bulge in his pants get bigger. I start to scratch my figernails across his back. Connor groan and he then kisses down to my stomach and he removes my undergarments with his teeth.

Once the were off he then removes his trousers. Conner then spreads my legs apart and he enters me slowly. I let out a soft cry. It hurt like hell, but oh boy was it worth it. I close my eyes, trying to adjust to his size.

I kiss his lips and he starts to roll his hips in a slow and comfortable pase. He lets out a low groan.

I buck my hips forword and he starts to move a little faster, "Connor!" I moan out his name.

Connor grips my (H/C) locks of hair. He then starts to thrust harder and faster. I moan louder and he moans out my name.

Connor grips the back of the bed, trying to get a better grip. He then starts to hit all of the right spots. I arch my back and throw my head back.

I start to feel the knot in my stomach start to undo itself. I clench my legs around him and I realese. Connor then feels his own realise come and he pulls out. I winced slightly as he did so. Connor rolls over on his back and I lay my head on his chest. We breath heavily and he wraps me in his arms. He kisses my forehead.

Connor grabs our blanket and he recovers us. Connor looks down at me, "I love you so much," Connor tells me, "You know that right?" I smile and I nod my head.

"I know, but I love you more," I smirk. Connor smirks. Connor gets back on top of me.

"I think I love you more," Connor kisses my neck again.

And now for round two.

Me: So Connor, this is a lemon.

Connor: *eyes wide and coughs* MY INNOCENT EYES.

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