Arno X Reader (Modern)

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My alarm on my phone goes off at 4:00 in the morning. I thought I turned that damn thing off! Arno groans in annoyance.

"I thought you said you turned that thing off," Arno grumbles. I turn it off and I lie my head on Arno's chest.

"Yeah, I thought I did," I mumble, "Just go back to sleep,"

"That's what I plan to do," Arno mumbles before falling fast asleep. I close my eyes and within minutes I fall back asleep.

I wake up with Anro's arm wrapped around my waist. I get up careful not to wake him up I look outside and I see the snow falling and sticking to the snow already on the ground. I walk to my dresser and I grab a (F/C) sweater and blue jeans. I put all that on and I put on my black boots.

I look outside again. This is perfect to build a snowman. I mentally jump up and down. Then I walk up to my still sleeping boyfriend, and I peck him on the lips. He stirs a little, and then he looks up at me.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" I ask whisper. He groans and then he rolls over on his stomach, and he pretends to snore. I frown a little and the I jump on his back.

He grunts because of the impact. Then I start singing a parody of Frozen's Do you wanna build a snowman.


We're gonna build a snowman
So get off your lazy ass
When you started dating me
You knew you were gonna deal with this

You used to be so much fun
But now your just being a prick
So I'm gonna ask again
Do you wanna build a snow man?

I smile when Arno turns to me. My smile fads when he smirks. Then he starts doing a parody of Frozen's Let it go


Let it go
Let it go

I'm not getting out of this bed

Let it go
Let it go

I don't care if you get mad
It's too fucking cold outside
Yes I know I'm being a prick right now

I frown more, but then he sits up and he kisses my neck. I moan a little. But then he stops and looks at me like he's thinking of something.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him.

"You know how when your niece is over, she always watches that movie Frozen?" Arno asks me. I nod.

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask.

"I mean we were just singing parodies of songs from that movie," Arno explains, "we have watched that movie so many times that we can make up parodies to those songs!"

"Yeaaah," I say putting my hand to my face, "how about lets not build a snowman and just sit in bed all day," Arno grins, and then he kisses me.


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