Request: Haytham X Reader

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Requested by StarlessSkies19.

Image: Haytham gets drunk.

It started with just one.....but then four then way too many. Haytham wasn't one to over do things. For example: he didn't drink a whole lot. When he did it would at most be two pints at the most.

But tonight, Haytham may have had one too many. He just kept drinking for some reason. I'm not really complaining. I was glad he was finally loosing up.

I was drinking my thrid cup of ale while Haytham was on his seventh. Haytham hiccups and he starts giggling like a child. I look at Haytham with a slight concern look on my face.

"Master Kenway, are you alright?" I ask him. Haytham only giggles. I look at his empty tankard and I take it from him, "Okay I think you had enough," I tell him. Haytham smiles and he takes off his hat and he puts it on the table.

"Y-You are my f-favorite p-person, you know that (Y/N)?" Haytham slurs. I blush and I shake my head. Haytham giggles again.

"What's so funny?" I ask him. Haytham only chuckles. Before I could ask another question, Haytham places a finger on my lips.

"The fact you are so blind to my affections for you," Haytham chuckles out and he takes his finger off my lips. My jaw hangs open in shock. But then I sigh, knowing that his alcohol induced mind was clouding his mind. He didn't really mean it.

"You're drunk," I tell him, "You don't mean it," Haytham rolls his eyes but them keeps chuckling.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts, you know," Haytham tells me. I shake my head.

"Then those thoughts were never met for me to hear," I tell him. Haytham shrugs.

"Perhaps," Haytham says under his breath. He looks at me again. I look away from him and I look at Thomas Hickey as he sings terribly.

Thomas grabs one of the tavern wenches and kisses her full on the lips. I look at them with disgust.  Does Thomas not know what diseases those kind of women carry?

I look back at Haytham and he smiles at me. He continues to giggle. I sigh and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Y-You are so p-pretty," Haytham continues to slur I sigh again. I knew it was the alcohol talking.

"Haytham....stop," I tell him. It pained me to tell him that. I liked him, may have even loved him but I knew he didn't love me. His one true love was a native woman called Ziio. But she made him leave her, for whatever reason.

"Stop what?" Haytham smirks, trying to act clueless. I glare at him.

"Stop flirting with me!" I tell him, " won't even remember what you said tonight when morning comes. So please just stop," my eyes. Haytham sighs and slouches in his seat.

Haytham then starts to giggle more and more. I smile slighly. I turn to what he was looking and it was a painting, "he looks so serious," Haytham chucks at the painting. Haytham continues to giggle at random stuff. It was actually kind of amusing. I really couldn't believe that he forgot our conversation from earlier.

Suddenly Haytham kisses my lips. I gasp in surprise. I didn't know what to do but I couldn't help but kiss him back. He cups my cheeks and deepens the kiss. I pull away for air.

Haytham smirks at me and then passes out. My eyes go wide and I sigh. Guess who had to carry his heavy ass up to his room....ME!

I struggle carrying him but I finally get him in his bed. I put my hands on my knees and I breath heavily.

The next day he would wake up with a hangover and knowledge of what he said....and of what he did.

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