Desmond X Reader

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I lie in bed, with my head on my boyfriend's bare chest. One of his arms was wrapped around me. On his free arm I see the tattoo on his arm. I was with him when he got it about two years ago.

I look up at him, he smiles down at me. He kisses my forehead. I reach up and I caress his cheek.

"Do you really have to work today?" I ask him. I really didn't want him to go to work. Since today was supposed to be his day off. Apparently someone got sick and now Desmond has to go into work.

"(Y/N), you know I have to," Desmond tells me. I pout a little. He works as a bartender, we even met at the same bar that he works in.

I remember coming in there looking like a complete mess. That night me and my ex broke up. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I came into that bad wanting to drink away my sorrows.

I sat at a bar stool, I put my arms on the counter and I buried my face in them. Then a certain bartender asked me if I was okay, I looked up at him and I shook my head. He poured my a shot of tequila and we started to talk. Well that was how me and Desmond met.

I look at Desmond, I smile weakly.

"But I just wish you didn't have to go," I tell him. Desmond smiles and then he rolls on top of me, hovering over me. I giggle a little. Desmond smirks.

"I'll be back by 10:30 at night," Desmond tells me.

"Don't say you'll be back," I tell him, Desmond raises an eyebrow.

"Why?" Desmond asks.

"Because if you say it then you won't be back," I tell him. Desmond rolls his eyes.

"I think you should stop watching Scream," Desmond tells me. I laugh, Desmond then glances over at the digital clock on my nightstand. It reads 9:30 am, "Well I have to leave at 1:30 pm, what do you want to do until then?" I think for a moment. I get up from our bed and I walk over to our stack of video games on a shelf.

I scan the games and I pick up one. One that we haven't played yet, Until Dawn. When I bought, I thought it would be fun. I heard it had something to do with the Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect deals with the decisions you make and the outcome of those decisions.

So why not but my it! In game your supposed to make the decisions, and by the decisions you make it changes the outcome of the story. Or so it says on the back of the game's case. I hand the game to Desmond.

"Wow, I did not know we had this game," Desmond tells me. He looks at the back of the case, "(Y/N), this isn't two player,"

"We can take turns," I tell him, "besides it's a horror game, it's different than the action games we play," Desmond sighs.

"Okay, let's play it," Desmond says. Then he gets up and he turns on the PS4, he takes out Call of Duty Black Ops 3, and he puts in Until Dawn. He then grabs one of our controllers and he hands it to me.

I then start the game, every time the game switches the characters me and Desmond take turns playing.

"Babe, came you check the time?" Desmond asks me. Look at the clock.

"It's 12:45," I tell him. Desmond nods.

"I need to start getting ready for work," Desmond tells me. He then goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower starting. I continue to play the game, then the most fucked up part came on. Let's just say it was some serious Saw shit.

I cover my mouth to hide my gasp. Okay I had to choose who to save, I had to choose between this guy Josh and this girl Ashley. I just closed my eyes and I moved the right stick on my controller in a random direction.

From the dialogue on the game it sounded like I was going to save Josh. I had to active this giant saw that was supposed to kill one of them. I was feeling so terrible! Then this voice said I chose to save Ashley.

"What the hell, was that trap rigged!" Then the saw blade started to slowly move toward Josh and......well...... you get the picture. I sat on the bed in horror.

"Holy shit!" I hear Desmond exclaim. I look at Desmond who was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. I didn't know Desmond came out of the shower, "What did you do?!"

"I don't know!" I tell him.

"That's some serious Saw shit!" Desmond says.

"I know!" I answer him, "This game is screwed up!" Desmond then grabs a white collared shirt, and black pants. Desmond goes back in the bathroom to change. I turn off the PS4, I was quite disturbed with the game.

I look back at the clock and it read 1:00 pm. I sigh, Desmond has to leave in 30 minutes. Desmond then comes out of the bathroom. Desmond gives me a hug and a kiss on the lips. Some water droplets from his still wet dark brown hair hit my face.

Desmond then puts on his shoes and we to the living room and we sit on the couch for a little bit. Then it was time for him to leave. Desmond grabs his white hoodie.

"I'll be back around 10:30 pm," Desmond tells me. I smile and I quickly peck his lips. But then he pulls me in for a more deeper kiss. He then pulls away after a few moments. Then he leaves.

As the day went on I cleaned up a bit in our apartment. I played more of Until Dawn, despite what happened. I have to say it was kind of addictive.

Then the time came for Desmond to come home. I waited for him but he never sowed back up. I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning he still wasn't back. This went on for days, I went to the police and they never found him.

He just vanished.

I know kind of a sad ending :(

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