Request: Arno X Oc Rossana

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Requested by 1BerryBlitz1.

This is basically a continuation of the Élise X Oc that I did.

Arno sat in a tavern with yet another alcoholic drink in his hand. He already had four. After a week of James and Élise being together Arno felt nothing but jealousy, sadness and anger.

He still spoke to James. But it was difficult for Arno to not show his jealousy. Some he managed to do so.

Arno chugs down the rest of his ale. The warm liquid burns the back of his throat. The drunken laughs and sluring of the words comeing from drunken men's mouths fills Arno's ears.

He was about to get up and leave until a woman in similar robes as his came in the tavern. Her hood was off exposing her long slightly wavey dark brown, almost black, hair. Her emerald green eyes glance at Arno. At that moment be forgot all of the pain he felt in his heart. All there was was a attraction to the mystery woman.

He haven't even spoken to her but she already captivated his heart. She sat alone at a table. Arno started to walk up to the woman at the table but then stopped when she glanced at him. He was frozen in his place.

She stared at him with her emerald green orbs. His chocolate brown eyes just stared at her. He shoot his head and moved closer to her table. He sat down across from her and she smiled. She looked up and down ar him.

"Your an Assassin, like myself?" she said in more like a statement than a question. Her voice was like music to his ears.

"Oui Mademoiselle (Yes Miss)," Arno says. The woman chuckles.

"Call me, Rossana," She tells him her name, "And your name, Monsieur?"

"Arno, Arno Dorian," Arno tells Rossana his name. She smirks.

"Well, Monsieur Dorian, why is it you come to talk to me?" Rossana asks him. Arno smirks.

"Please, call me Arno?" He asks her a with a smug look on his face. Rossana chuckles slightly.

"Well, Arno, you still haven't answered my question," she tells him. Arno grins.

"Does it matter?" Arno asks her. Rossana sighs and she smiles.

"It does, unless you want me to scream," Rossana replies with a smugg tone in her voice. But she was serious. Arno sighs.

"You intrigue me," Arno tells her. Rossana smiles at his response.

"What exactly makes me intriguing?" Rossana asks Arno with a smirk on her face. Arno blushes.

"Well, for one you were also an Assassin, like myself," Arno says. Rossana gestures her hand for him to go on, "And I feel like I'm attracted to you," Rossana scoffs, "Look, I know how it sounds...."

"I sounds far fetched," Rossana tells Arno, "You know nothing about me. How can you feel attracted to me?" Arno chuckles.

"Well, lets get to know eachother," Arno tells her. He drags her out of the tavern and they start talking and learning more about eachother.

Arno and Rossana sit on a rooftop looking up at the full moon. Arno looked at Rossana's lips. He wanted so badly to kiss them.

She puts at hand over his. He looks down at his hsnd that was being held by her's. They both slowly lean in to eachother and then their lips finally connect to eachother.

It was gentle and sweet. Rossana was blushing bright red. She couldn't belive that she kissed a man she just met. But she didn't care she wanted to be around him. Like he wanted to be around her.

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