Future Stories Part 2

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Sorry not an update. Still trying to finish up all of the one shot requests I've been getting.

But anyhoo, here are a list of some future stories that I plan to do in the future.

A Connor (aka Ratonhnhaké:ton) story. I plan to make that one into a thrid book of my Shay Cormac stories. It will be about Shay and Kathryn's children, Haley and Nathan. Haley will meet Connor in the story. But I dont want to give too much away. (Still working on the plot to that one) I'm still working on Betrayal which is the second book to the Shay and Kathryn series.

A Ezio story, still trying to figure out how that one will go.  But the main protagonist is a young woman named Juliet Tomaselli da Venezia. Don't know if it will take place during Ac Brothood or towards the end of Assassin's Creed 2. I might just jumble them together.

A Haytham story. It will be either a reader insert or the main protagonist will be a Oc I create. I don't know if I want the main protagonist to be an Assassin or a Templar that is the daughter of Reginald Birch.

I might even do reader intert stories on Connor, Ezio, Shay or Altaïr.

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