How You First Met

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Okay my first Preference, all of them will be modern and they will have all have the main characters that I do. So that includes Altaïr, Arno, Connor, Desmond, Edward, Ezio, Haytham, Jacob, and Shay.

Also requests for Preference ideas are now open.

Altaïr: You were at the mall with some of your friends. You and your friends were at the food court and you all were just laughing and chatting. Until you noticed a rather good looking guy.

He had short dark brown hair, golden brown eyes, and a scar on the left side of his lips. He noticed you staring at him. Two other men were with him. One of them had only one arm and the other kind of looked like the other.

You started to blush, from him noticing you. One of your friends nudged you.

"Go talk to him!" She told you. You got up slowly and you walked over to the man. He kept looking at you.

"Hi," he greeted you, "I'm Altaïr," he introduced himself.

"(Y/N)," you told him your name. You both got to talking and you both exchanged numbers. Later that day he called you and asked you on a date.

Arno: You were with your mother at a French bakery, well it was more a store than a bakery. You could see pastries, bread, cheese, various meats, and even wine.

In a basket your mother put a bottle of wine in it, a small cheese wheel, two baguettes.

"(Y/N), could you please go and get some grapes?" Your mom asks you. You go over to the baskets of fruit. You grabbed the grapes and then you bumped into somebody.

He dropped the stuff that was in his hands. He sighed and he kept down and started to pick up his stuff. Feeling bad you knelt in front of him and helped him.

"I'm so sorry," you say to him. He looks at you.

"No, it's alright," he says. He had a British accent with a hint of French. You look up at him. He had dark brown hair that was tied into a low ponytail, brown eyes, and a scar goes from the left side of his nose to his left cheek.

You smile, you learned his name was Arno. You both exchanged numbers after talking for a bit.

Connor: You were at a animal shelter about to adopt the cutest little Border Collie. You heard that they were very intelligent, and they they are very active. Which was perfect for you because you were a very active person.

The puppy was a blue merle color with blue eyes. You hold the puppy in your arms. It pants and it licks your face. The puppy looked about six months old.

Then a rather tall man, of about 6ft 4in, came up to you. He looked like he worked here. He had dark brown hair that reached down to his shoulders. It was half up half down, and be had dark brown eyes.

"You here to adopt?" He asks. You nod.

"Yes I am," you say. He smiles, and then he looks down at the small puppy in your arms.

"I'm gonna be sad to see him go," he tells you, "I was thinking about adopting him myself," you laugh.

"Luckily I got to him first," you say. He laughs.

"I'm Connor," he holds out his hand. You shake it.

"(Y/N)," you tell him your name. He then helps you with the unusually large amount of paperwork to adopt the puppy.

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