Ezio X Reader

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I walk around Florence at night. I always love taking walks at night, because of the beautiful stars. I look around and I see Ezio, the man I love.

Earlier this morning he told me he loved me and he kissed me. I was so happy, I loved him but I never knew he loved me back. I start to run up to him. But he starts to climb into a window.

After he climbs in, I walk up to wear he was standing. Something in my brain told me to go home, but I kept walking forward.

I stand at the spot and I listen. What heard next broke my heart. I hear a woman's voice and what I see from shadows is Ezio kissing her.

My (E/C) eyes fill with tears. I place my hand on my mouth to muffle my sobs. I run away back to my house. I climb into my open window. Once I get in my room. I collapse in my bed and I cry myself to sleep.

I wake up the next morning with my pillow soaked with my tears. I run a hand through my (H/L) (H/C). I get up and I put on a (F/C) dress. I walk down stairs with a grim look on my face.

"Is something wrong sweetheart?" My mother asks me. I shake my head, trying to fight back the tears, "are you sure?" I nod my head. Mother's face saddens, she clearly knows something is wrong, but she doesn't ask me again.

Mother makes breakfast for us, she makes my favorite, (favorite breakfast). I eat some but not a lot. My mother gives me a stern look.

"(Y/N), I know something is wrong, you hardly touched your favorite breakfast," mother says, I start to cry. Mother comes up and hugs me, "tell me what's wrong," I nod.

"I saw Ezio with another woman," I cry out. Mother looks at me and she hugs me tighter.

"Oh, I am so sorry honey, I know how much you liked him," she says. Mother runs a hand through my (H/L) (H/C) hair, "shhhh, don't cry sweetheart," Then we hear a knock at the door. Mother smiles and she gets up and answers the door.

At the door I see Ezio, he stands there smiling.

"Ciao (hello) Miss (L/N)," Ezio greats her, "is (Y/N) here?" Mother looks at me.

"Si, but I don't think she wants to see you," mother says. Ezio face looks confused.

"What do you mean, why not?" Ezio says a little hurt. I quickly get up and I walk up to him.

"Because you broke my heart," I say with the tears still falling down.

"Mio amore, how did I do that?" Ezio asks me. I scoff.

"On one of my walk at night, I saw you climb into a window and I heard a woman's voice in there with you!" I nearly yell at him. Ezio chuckles.

"Mio amore, I was breaking things off with her," Ezio says.

"How do you explain the kiss that I saw?" I ask him.

"Now that, was her kissing me, I never kissed back," Ezio says. I scoff again.

"Why should I believe you?" I ask. Ezio sighs.

"Your going to make me prove it, are you?" Ezio says.

"Si, I am," I say with a fake smile. Me and Ezio walk to the house in silence. Once we get to the house, Ezio has me stand next to the well, that is about ten feet from the house.

Ezio knocks on the door, a woman about my age answers it.

"Ciao bella!" Ezio greets her, ready to give her a hug. She slaps him across the face and she screams at him in Italian.

" Se venite qui di nuovo , ti cazzo di ucciderti , bastardo!" (if you come here again, I will fucking kill you, you bastard!) She screams at him, and then she slams the door in his face. He walks up to me with a fake smile on his face. I stand there shocked.

"Do you believe me now?" Ezio asks me. I nod.

"Si, I do," I say. Ezio smiles and he takes my hand and he kisses it. I smile, then he pulls me towards me and he kisses my lips.

"I would never hurt you, you know that right?" Ezio whispers in my ear. I smile and nod, "good,"

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