Shay X Assassin Reader

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I sit on the rooftops, waiting for the traitor, Shay to become my next kill. The assassin's sent me to kill him. I look around my surrounds. My (E/C) focus on the tavern that my sources told me he would be at.

I wait for him to enter the tavern, but he never showed up. I sigh.

"Well that's the last time I listen to a drunken old man," I mumble to myself. Yes, I listened to a drunk old man, out of all things. Well in one of the taverns I was at, this old man kept saying that he knew a man named Shay Cormac.

I put my hood down from my head, revealing my (H/L) (H/C) locks of hair. I sigh and I turn around and see a man in a red and black templar uniform. I gasp. Oh God, Shay Cormac. I freeze with fear.

But I shake away that feeling. I grab one of my knives and I lunge at him. He quickly grabbed me and disarmed me in the process. I try to get out of his grip but it tightens every time I try to get away.

I look at his face and I start to calm down suddenly. He wasn't bad to look at. His black hair was tied in a pony tail, he had brown eyes that you could melt in. My breathing hitched when his brown eyes met my (E/C) ones.

But I shake these feeling that I had in my chest, and I elbowed him in the stomach. He groans in pain, causing him to loosen his grip on me. I grab my knife. He lunges after me. But I quickly dodge him. I smirk.

"Oh Mr. Cormac, your going to have to be faster than that to catch me," I taunt him. Shay snickers.

"Well let's see if you can dodge my bullets, assassin," Shay says the word 'assassin' like it is some kind of disease. Shay points the gun at me, my smirk fads.

"What's your name, lass?" Shay asks me, I scoff.

"Why would you want to know?" I say harshly.

"I would at least like to know your name before I kill you," Shay says.

"Why? So that you can wake up knowing every morning knowing that you killed a girl who was too young to die," I step closer to him, "fine it is (Y/N) (L/N) I am 20 years old, my mother died when I was born, and my father was a drunk, who loved to tell me how worthless I was," I glared at him, "if your going to kill me just do it, it's not like I mean anything to the creed anyway,"

To my surprise Shay puts down the gun.

"You don't deserve to die," Shay says. I stair at him shocked, "if you feel like you don't mean anything to the creed, then why do you stay?" I shrug, then Shay takes my hand, "Come and join the order then," his touch sends shivers down my spine.

I start to weigh my options. If I say no then he kills me. If I say yes the Brotherhood will mark me as a traitor. But if I do say yes, then my skills might be more appreciative. I look up at Shay.


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